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  • Corvette1976
    Post count: 1

    I just got the call back about my scan today and I have been diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. I’m feeling quite overwhelmed with this as I’m looking it all up. I didn’t even know I was sick. I have felt for the most part well. I have felt tired and have had non-stop allergies and problems with my asthma but that is about it. I mentioned to my doctor that I’m gaining weight and she asked if I’ve had my thyroid checked. I rolled my eyes because I’ve had numerous doctors check my thyroid and it always came back in normal range. I always thought If I had a thyroid problem it would be Hypothyroidism because I’m obese. I gain weight and gain weight and friends and family would ask How do you gain when I never see you eat? and I’d say it’s probably cause I have to be on Prednisone all time for my asthma. Anywhoo…..I have a rush order to see an Endocrinologist and I’m waiting for them to call me with an appt. Other than that I’m feel like I need a good cry :( and a bottle of wine. :D

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, but am glad that you found our group. This is a great place to find information and support! A great place to start is the two links in the “Treatment Options” thread in the announcements section at the top of this forum. They go through all three treatment options for hyperthyroidism (anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, and surgery), including info on the risks and benefits of each.

    We’ve ALL needed a good cry here from time to time…but I would probably keep it to a single glass of wine. :) Please check back to let us know how you are doing!

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