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  • beauty2010
    Post count: 23

    I had a relapse at end of last year of Graves and my levels were back down to normal one month ago. I have reduced my carbimazole from 20mg to 10mg daily because of normal levels, but have not been able to contact my endocinologist who had not answered my calls for advice until yesterday – I am due to see him next week. I am just soooo sleepy. Yesterday I had a day of because I am on a phased return to work, and managed to do stuff in the morning. I went to a cafe for lunch with my husband and was in a really bad mood and barely able to keep awake (which upset husband obviously) and when I got back home I slept solidly from 1pm – 5pm, got up and got kids tea, then slept again 7pm – 9pm (got up to collect my mother from the train station) and then went back to bed and had 7 hours sleep that night. I am in work today but I still feel knackered.
    Is this normal?
    Many thanks for all the help and support from this forum.

    Post count: 1909

    Hi. Oh my. You sound so very hyPO! I remember that overwhelming need to sleep. Try to get your labs BEFORE you see the endo, that will be so helpful during your appointment. (The other condition that I had when I was falling asleep at stoplights, was a thing called pregnancy………no way could I keep my eyes open.)

    What do YOU think? Maybe it will be as simple as decreasing or stopping your ATD, that is certainly a discussion for you to have with your endo.
    I can certainly relate to the compelling need to sleep. Not fun, when it is this situation.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Please *don’t* be afraid to be assertive and keep calling the office until you can get some answers! Even if they can’t see you until next week, the doctor should be willing to give you some direction considering the extreme fatigue that you are dealing with.

    And if all else fails, perhaps your general practitioner could help you get a new set of labs to see if that’s what’s causing your symptoms.

    Take care – hope you can get some relief!

    Post count: 148

    I was sleepy like that when I went hypo for a while. Are you also having aches and pains – particularly muscle cramps? Those were my main hypo symptoms, along with the weight gain.

    I’ve also felt sleepy like that back in my 30’s when I was having really bad migraines. I think the medication I was taking for them made the sleepiness worse. The fatigue from the migraines was even worse than the fatigue from being hypo. The only way I can describe it is that I needed sleep the same way I needed air. Trying to stay awake was almost painful – kind of like holding your breath for too long.

    One other thing that tends to make me extra sleepy is when I’m fighting off a cold or flu. I find that I’m extra tired for a day or two, then I get my energy back and a couple of days later the cold symptoms appear.

    Post count: 23

    Actually feeling a bit better now. I am seeing endocrinologist tomorrow and will let you know what he says. Thanks for all the replies and support!

    Post count: 40

    Being hyper made me very tired! Before I ever went to the doctor I was taking 4 hour naps when I got the chance and sleeping 9-10 hours at night! I have never been a napper and am usually good on 6 hours of sleep so this was unusual for me! I guess I was so hyper that I was exhausted!

    Post count: 23

    Well my levels were completely normal, and I feel fine now. Might just have been recovery sleep!
    best wishes to everyone

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