Have you also seen a dermatologist about this? A trip to one is definitely in order.
Hope you feel better soon. Sorry about your skin troubles.
As a teenager I never suffered from acne. I was diagnosed with GD back in 2004. In about the last 6mths, I noticed that my skin was peeling on my face. It was like little circles of dry skin. I have tried exfolients, heavy moisturizers, overnight creams, etc. But, in the morning same thing dry, almost scaly skin. Now, my cheeks, under my eyes, the sides and across my nose are almost black with scarring because these places on my face are peeling and bleeding.
Has anyone else experiencing any facial/skin changes? Any suggestions to soothe the itching, burning feeling? A doctor told me the only way for it to go away is to have the thyroid surgery; but what can I do until then? HELP!!!I have found that along my jawline i have been getting "acne" or something like that. Its like acne, but much harder to get rid of, scars, and hurts (not to mention very unattractive). I also have peeling skin, itching terribly, and hives. I slather myself in lotions, even stuff used for eczema…to no avail. I use stingose and even cansten to stop the itching for a little while. As for the facial "breakouts” and pealing….i have no idea what to do. I suppose seeing a dermatologist would be very helpful, but its getting harder and harder to take more time off of work! Good luck to both of us for finding an answer!
I would also recommend a trip to Dermatologist asap. Make the appt. now because it takes a while to get in to see them, tell the receptionist that you have Graves’ disease and are in trouble with your skin NOW and that you would like to be put on the waiting list for cancelations. You can always say no thank you if they call and you can’t go but remember to keep your regular appt..
If you or a friend has a digital camera, take GOOD pictures of your skin as close as you can get without getting fuzziness. That will greatly help the Dermatologist if your skin is clear on the day you see her/him.
THis is a quesiton for an Online Facilitator:
Isn’t there a skin issue related to Graves’ disease? I thought it was on the shins but can be associated else where?Pretibial myxedema is the skin condition you’re thinking of ~ it’s usually located on the shins, but can affect the tops of the feet and sometimes causes some edema in the feet and ankles. Doesn’t travel elsewhere.
Good to know, thank you for the info.
I’d also recommend seeing a derm.
One thing that I have found out as a GD patient — and as a woman who is meticulous about appearance — is that there is a lot of "snake oil" on the market. It promises to work miracles, but it doesn’t, and it’s often very expensive. When my GD was active, I had cystic acne. Nothing on the market, no face wash, no toner, no drying cream, gets rid of that kind of acne. But I had to find out the hard way after buying everything I could …
For a simple co-pay, you might be able to get a RX cream from your derm that will remediate your problems. It’s less costly than buying product after product that doesn’t work!
Hello all, total newbie here.
I too get a lot of redness and acne on my cheeks which, at its worst can make my whole cheek area look red and totally swollen. I found that keeping the area clear of make up helps, but the one time i would apply a teeny bit of blusher- bam- there you go its back. If i went from a nice warm house, or vice versa, this too would make things worse, i just couldnt figure it out!
i now just apply a light moisturizer to my face in the morning after washing it with a gentle facewash and thats pretty much it for me. Keeping the skin hydrated i.e. drinking lots of water, and having a facial once a month may help too, just to keep the skin well looked after.
It doesnt quite solve the problem, but just makes the area a little more looked after and therfore less red most of the time.
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