I’m on 100 Atenelol, 10 methimazol and .1 levothyroxine. I’m losing a LOT of hair. Apparently all of these drugs can do this, plus there is always the screwy thyroid, although after many, many months my levels just hit the “normal” range after being hyperT (Graves’) for at least 2 years and hypoT for about 5 months.
I’ve tried to lower the atenelol slowly, but even in small increments I get palpitations.
I’ve left a message for my Endo, but haven’t heard from him yet.
I am not hugely vain, but I don’t want to lose all of my hair.
Has anyone run into significant hair loss as a result of any/all of these meds? What did you do?
I too have been loosing my hair, but I have been told that this is a symptom of Graves, not the drugs.
When my sister was diagnosed with Graves, the hair loss was her only symptom. I am not on any of the same drugs as you, and my hair is coming out at a rapid rate.
I leave for the hospital to have my thyroid removed in about 3 hours and hope that the hair loss will no longer be an issue when I have no thyroid to be screwy.
I am on another drug that can lead to hair loss, but didn’t loose any until I tried the methimazol and then stopped it. My only “Graves” drug right now is the propranolol which Endo #3 prefers to the atenelol for some reason.
Hope this helps.
Agree. It’s the Graves’, not the meds. It will stop when you are controlled. I had the same experience, hair loss, controlled, and no more hair loss, even more hair afterward. Was in my 20’s.
Shirley@WWWI2 – Agree with the other posters that you should see some relief once your levels stop swinging hyper/hypo. I do know of one patient who believes that methimazole contributed to hair loss, and she had better results on PTU. However, I haven’t seen this listed as a specific side effect of methimazole…and this individual started on PTU *before* all the warnings came out about increased risk of liver failure.
@smtucker – Hope all goes well…keep us posted!My wife went through a stage of hair loss which did stop when her levels were normal. Interestingly thou she was a highe dose of ptu at that time. Her levels have recently gone sky high whilst waiting for her TT. 10 days ago when it was discovered that her levels have sky rocketed her Ptu dose was increased again so will see how the hair copes over the next few weeks. Will update.
On the warnings of all of these drugs, hair loss is included as well as being a symptom of Graves so at this point I can’t rule anything out. Although knowing it’s less common helps a lot. I’m glad to hear that for the majority it does grow back.
Heard from my Endo’s nurse. Her first comment to me was “It’s possible that you’ve just suddenly developed female pattern baldness, perhaps it’s in your family?”. Then she said, while they can test me for vitamen deficiencies, perhaps my best bet is to go see a dermatologist, since this is not really in their pervue.
When I suggested that perhaps it could be related to the fact that my thyroid hormones have been going nuts for a significant amount of time and I’m now on a plethra of medications, and perhaps it SHOULD be in their pervue she told me if I wanted to change out my meds for alternatives to see if that might make a difference, I (me?!?) just have to let her know which ones.
I had made the silly assumption that before she called me back, she may have discussed this with the doctor. However, as she ended the call she told me to make sure that at my appointment next week I should mention it to the doctor. So apparently she didn’t feel it necessary to discuss this with the doctor before telling me it was probably just a coincidental emergance of female pattern baldness.
So far there has been NOTHING about getting Graves’ that has been simple.
Ladies, whenever I am dealing with hyper or hypo, I notice a ton of hair on the hairbrush. Pretty scarey!
However my hairstylist mentioned “Rogaine for Women.” I’ve yet to purchase this, but he swears by it. He says it definitely will help but you have to use it every day. It will not stop hair loss, but will make your hair grow faster and thicker. I’m going to get some
Hope this helps
Hi, I’m new here but not new to Graves’. Just wanted to share biotin in either supplement or shampoo/conditioner form has helped me with the hair loss. My endo told me that the hair cycle in 9 months and that I would have to be at optimal levels for the hair loss to stop, but it would take 9 months for the hair that is already angry to finish falling out. I do notice the amount falling out slows down when I use the biotin shampoo/conditioner each time – I’m using Avalon Organics and Jason brands.
Thank you all for your replies and support. I’m not as distressed as when I initially posted.
Angry hair
(Apparently mine is furious lol). But that’s helpful to know. I think I was expecting as soon as I hit normal levels, this would resolve and not continue. That apparently was unrealistic. But it explains why I’m continuing to lose hair and perhaps means it’s not a permanent condition.
You do give me hope that since I don’t have bald spots, just pretty much thinning everywhere, now that the levels are somewhat normal, there is a chance whatever hair decides to remain will be sufficient until, it starts growing back.
I’ll definitly check out biotin.
I took biotin for about a month. I didn’t see a difference in myself and it gave me horrible hot flashes!
but that’s a good suggestion and I know a lot of people who have had success with that.
Another is Nioxin. I have heard their system (you purchase it in 3’s) helps with scalp problems too so that couldn’t hurt to try.
I used to sell Nioxin products a decade ago when I was a sales rep for a local wholesaler. At that time their focus was on eliminating a specific demodex mite that lives in your scalp. A trip to their current website shows that they have broadened their approach and even list Thyroid disorders as a reason for thinning hair and breakage. The site also makes it sound like they are trying to address all the major reasons with their products now, so I might consider giving them a try again. I haven’t had “real” hair in so long I am kind of fond of my buzz cut, but it would be nice to have some versus none again.
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