If you have something bothering you because of Graves, yes, this is the place. You may have no thyroid and have HYPO questions, but some things may be caused by Graves antibodies that we still have.
I’m not sure if I should be here on your site. I was diagnosised with Graves back in 1987 and went through RAI treatment. I am no longer hyper, but now I am hypo. Should I be here or is there another site I should belong too?
Thank you for responding, I didn’t realize that I still have antibodies left over from the Graves. I don’t want to sound stupid, but what kind of problems – I am having problems with my eyes – I am having tags. But I see other people are having problems with dry eyes – I will read those postings first.
Regulating your hormone levels after you’ve gone hypothyroid is definitely within our expertise, so we can help with that, if you have questions.
In addition, there is Thyroid Eye Disease and Pretibial Myxedema that are elements of the Graves’ "syndrome," and those can come up any time in our lives ~ they don’t necessarily coincide with the thyroid symptoms. TED usually comes on within a year of thyroid symptoms, but sometimes not. Most GD patients do not get the worst TED symptoms, so don’t worry, it’s not inevitable. Same with PM ~ this is an "orange-rind" looking rash we get on our shins, itches like crazy and is most successfully treated with steroid creams. Again, not inevitable. Just possible.
There are ongoing studies about what other parts of the body GD may affect ~ many of us continue to experience a kind of "brain fog" ~ though it lets up a LOT following treatment, we still feel some fogginess.
And we can’t discount the effect of just knowing that we have a chronic disease ~ that can be emotional, and may require that we get some type of counseling or use some kind of therapy to alleviate the sadness/depression.
For all these reasons, YES, you should be here.
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