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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    All I can conclusively say is that it’s never happened to me in relation to thyroid hormone replacement. At this point, there’s a slight chance it’s related to aftereffects from the surgery itself, so maybe someone else who has had surgery can speak to that part of it. I’m glad it’s transient, and I’m glad you’re not too worried about it, but I’m ALSO glad you’ll be speaking to a physician soon. Must be unsettling when it’s happening.

    Post count: 79

    Hi all — first of all, I’m still doing great post-surgery. But I do have a question; I’ve searched "shortness of breath" on the board and found a few things, but nothing that quite relates to what I’ve been experiencing the past few days. I did *not* have any shortness of breath in my two month struggle with GD post-diagnosis and prior to surgery, and now my airway is not swollen/constricted etc. Indeed, I ran 4 and 1/2 miles last Thursday afternoon with no trouble at all. But for a few nights prior to going to bed I’ve felt the need to breathe very very deeply, and then on Saturday morning I was out with my husband and suddenly, though I was breathing, I felt like I wasn’t getting enough oxygen–I had him drive me home and then spent a couple of hours trying to get my breath back. I think I also scared myself at that point which didn’t help, of course–I took a xanax and it did relax me a bit, and eventually the breathing problem resolved. My endo happened to be on call, and of course her first reaction was "well, you do have a history of anxiety"–and I had to explain to her that it was *not* a panic attack (I’ve had anxiety, yes, but never a panic attack, and never in this form). Some googling has suggested to me that shortness of breath can be a reaction to the thyroid hormone replacement. Am I perhaps just adjusting to it? I should say that this is not a constant problem, and not directly related to any physical activity; instead, it seems to come and go.

    Anyway, I’m not super concerned but I’m wondering if anyone has thoughts on this–I meet with my endo tomorrow so it would be helpful to know what other folks think before I see her.


    Post count: 32

    I have this trouble every day unless I’m laying down. It’s been happening for 2 weeks now. Did you ever figure out what it was? I’m desperate to get it resolved. My GP put me on an anxiety medicine to help. It’s calmed me but not fixed the struggle for a deep enough or sufficient breath.

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