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  • keilinger
    Post count: 2

    I’m 22, and currently on 10mg each of methimazole and a beta-blocker. I was diagnosed in January and have been experiencing some pains that I never had before the Graves. If I reach for something, it seems I’m much more likely to overextend my arm and strain a muscle. Doing a quad stretch has recently caused a painful contraction of the hamstrings behind my quads. Most troubling of all, yawning deeply causes a burst of intense pain throughout my upper torso, including my neck.

    Does anyone else know what I’m talking about? Any thoughts on why this is happening?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I would definitely mention this to your doctor or pharmacist. The specific examples that you provided were great and will hopefully be helpful in getting to the bottom of this issue.

    I do know that joint/muscle pain can occur as a side effect of anti-thyroid drugs, but can also be associated with hyperthyroidism itself, so you definitely want a member of your medical team to help sort this out.

    Hoping that you can get some relief soon!

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