Hey Everyone~~
I used to be on here all the time, but I have been doing great after a very successful ablation.
I was on levothyroine (sp?) until my doc switched me to Synthroid. Since I have been on Synthroid (5 months) I feel like "electricity" attacks my brain every now and then. Kind of like little Jolts. It happened last week for about 4-5 seconds and scared the poop out of me
I went to the Er and they did a CT on my head…everything was normal. Today I had an EEG and will get my results tomorrow. (the nurse said there was no seizure activity). SOOOO…….has anyone on here had strange things like this happen to them with synthroid?? Also, I find myself jumpy…like if something scares me…it takes the wind out of me.
Other than this bump in the road, I’m doing great and I still so glad I had ablation after a long road of trying remission.
ANy feedback would be great!!!
BTW- all labs are fine:)