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  • catstuart7
    Post count: 225

    Hi all, I remember a while back someone posted a link to a cool eye mask to help with swelling but I can’t find it now. Does anyone remember? I think it had those gel beads that are popular now. I’m getting a lot more persistent swelling in the morning than I used to and think it’s time to get one of these gizmos. Thanks!

    Post count: 326

    It’s not an eye mask, but I used the CVS brand Peas Hot/Cold Therapy Pack. The medium size is perfect for draping over the eyes and it was only $7. I imagine you could wrap a headband around it to make it stay in place, but I found I was able to just lay on my back, head slightly elevated and rest it on my eyes. I used cold obviously for my post-OD surgery swelling but warm compresses might help with TED…? Hope this helps.

    Post count: 333

    Hello caststuart7,

    I’m sorry to hear this. Mine seem a little bit swollen too. Maybe only I can tell b/c my husband says that they look the same. They have also gotten itchy this week. They used to be very itchy before all the GD stuff was diagnosed but after starting Methimazole they got better. Before I always attributed it to allergies. Not so sure is that anymore. I’m thinking about trying the drops recommended here:

    The eye mask thing sounds delicious for itchy eyes. Maybe I’ll get me one too. Hope you feel better soon.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 1909

    Hi catstuart, I found the website Dry Eye Zone very helpful. They have a choice of different types of goggles, and eye covers that you might find helpful.
    Check it out. I got a couple choices for my eyes that don’t close at night, but they really did not help with keeping my eyes closed. There is one with a moisture chamber, which I really liked, though.

    Post count: 225

    Shirley, dry eye zone! That is what I had remembered and forgotten, thanks!

    Gatorgirly and Caro, thanks for the ideas too – I definitely want to do something. Any sign of the TED advancing makes me so nervous.

    Post count: 326

    Have your raised the head of your bed? I put a few 2×4 under the head of my bed frame so that I slept with my head elevated even when I shoved the pillows off my bed in my sleep. My physician recommended this as well as sleeping with several pillows. It helped a lot.

    Post count: 225

    Hi Gatorgirly, that’s a good idea but I’m daunted by the idea of trying to lift up my bed to get the board under it. Were you able to put the board there by yourself? I bought a bed wedge a few months ago but it was so hard to sleep on. I kept trying to slide further and further down!

    Post count: 326

    I used several 2x4s layered atop one another, so to shove the first one under there, I only needed to lift that corner of the bed 2 inches off the floor. That took weight off the other side, so I alternated sides because I also was daunted by the task. Once I got it to about six inches, I was happy with the angle it provided. Just don’t try to sleep on silk sheets – you might slide down the bed throughout the night!

    In preparation for OD surgery, Shirley suggested I also raise the head of my mattress. I did this by putting a few pillows under the mattress (between the box spring and mattress) all the way across the top of the bed. This was helpful as I could sleep in a somewhat upright position, which alleviated a LOT of post-op swelling. It was also nice because you can only elevate the head of your bed frame so much without damaging the frame, so this provided even more elevation without bending the bed frame.

    Post count: 85

    I use frozen peas in a zip lock bag. They fit the contour of the eyes perfectly. My neuro ophth suggested this after OD surgery. Why he did not suggest before surgery is beyond me. They are cheap and reusable.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – We don’t usually post product links here, but several of the doctors at past conferences have specifically recommended this product:

    Take care!

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