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  • amosmcd
    Post count: 231

    Still in medical bldg and have to pay for parking, but I am thrilled with my new endo! She has referred me to a thyroid surgeon–have an appt in one week. She absolutely agrees that if I’m not comfortable with RAI, surgery is an option. I got labs drawn so won’t get results til next week. Anyway, more later after I get home! I am SO glad I got a second opinion from another endo!!


    Post count: 231

    Okay, so personality-wise, this endo is night and day from my old endo. Very friendly, spent lots of time with me, answered all my questions, was very interested in hearing my history. Her speciality in endocrinology is specifically thyroid, which I wasn’t sure of, but was very glad to learn that.

    She said given my ups and downs with labs since my diagnosis in Sept, and not feeling great most of the time, the most important thing was getting them stabilized and since it’s hard to do that with me on ATD’s, having my thyroid out would take care of that. I asked her specifically about whether she uses T3 along with levothyroxine if necessary, and she said absolutely, that many of her patients feel better with a little T3. Nice to know that option is there if I need it.

    I asked her for a referral to a neuro-ophthamologist and she gave me a name (same person Shirley gave me, but I hadn’t gotten around to calling yet, so now I feel even better about it!) She said it’s always good to check our eyes checked out with Graves.

    I’m anxious to find out what my labs are. She ordered a FT3 & 4, TSH, TSI and liver profile (since I’m on PTU.)

    Really excited to talk to the surgeon to find out all the info I want to know to make an informed decision. Apparently this surgeon does a lot of them, which is always good to know, but I’ll be asking about the complication rate, etc.–all the good questions I’ve learned from this forum to ask. :)

    Thanks for listening to me rave about my new doc–it’s much more fun than ranting about the old one. :D


    Post count: 4294
    amosmcd wrote:
    Thanks for listening to me rave about my new doc–it’s much more fun than ranting about the old one. :D


    Amy – We LOVE hearing about satisfied patients! We prefer to not post individual doctor names on this forum, but if you’d like to send the name to us via PM or at, we’d love to contact this doc about being included in our physician registry!

    Keep us posted on how it goes with the surgeon and the neuro-ophth!

    Post count: 1909

    Bet I know who it is! I’ll send you a PM. Glad you are happy, such a good feeling!

    Post count: 216

    Yay!!!! I’m very happy for you.

    Post count: 225


    Post count: 231

    Thanks, everyone! :) I wish that all Graves’ patients could find a good endo. Of course, I did have to kiss the toad that was my old one long enough 😆

    I’ll write an update when I get my labs back and after I see the surgeon.


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