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  • jhinnevada
    Post count: 5

    Hi everyone,
    Well I went very hypo this past ten days, F T-4 0.9 (2.4-4.2) on 8-2-2012, last lab on 7-9-2012 was at 4.2. My eyes were so swollen and my heart rate was in the low 40’s and I was very scared this weekend. So I stopped PTU and lopressor and I feel better today. I see my Endo tomorrow, thankfully. I felt so bad that I didn’t care what I stopped or whom I didn’t ask, more like self-preservation. I did resume PTU 50mg tonight, as I really am not looking to self diagnose.
    I appreciate the candidness of the facilitators and all the posts re: RAI and most importantly, life after RAI. Quite a journey since February, but at least I know I’m not alone.
    I continue to take vitamins and employ stress-reduction techniques (haha). I am still amazed at the role stress plays with GD.
    Any pearls of wisdom or encouraging words would be welcomed. Thanks in advance, :)

    Post count: 1909

    Time for nighty night! Glad you have an endo appointment tomorrow. Good timing! He will probably reduce your med, and/or begin Synthroid. WRite after the appointment.
    Yes, we all feel like crap, no matter what treatment we choose, until we get to that damn SWEET SPOT that takes more time that we want it to take so we can be our normal selves again. But it will happen!
    good night,

    Post count: 5

    Okay, saw Endo yesterday, continue off of PTU, samples given of synthroid for 3 days only to boost up a bit, recheck lab in 2 weeks. No more beta blocker. Feeling better since this past weekend.
    Thank you Shirley for the encouragement :)

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