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  • Carito71
    Post count: 333


    Has anyone here used Royal Jelly before to help with the effects of GD? I’ve been feeling very tired and my neighbor was telling me to try Royal Jelly. I’ve read about Royal Jelly in the past and about its benefits but I was wondering if anyone here has tried it and if so, how did it work out?

    Thank you.
    Caro :)

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Caro – Perhaps you will get some other responses, but I did a quick online search, and was unable to find any credible information on this.

    Post count: 333

    Thank you Kimberly. I’ve been feeling tired and my neighbor said she saw it at the store. I did some reading and what I read about Royal Jelly sounded good, especially since it is what Queen Bees eat and according to what I read, keeps them stronger and living longer than the other bees in the hive. I don’t know how much this has been proven but the Queen Bee starts out as a regular bee but the only difference is that it is given Royal Jelly for food. I figured it couldn’t hurt since I’m not allergic to honey. The problem I noticed is that it is hard finding pure Royal Jelly. The one at the store had other stuff added to it. I did buy B12 per recommendation by my Gen. Dr to see if that helps. She said that since I have Celiac and since the thyroid problems cause all kinds of unbalances that I’m probably deficient. I found liquid gluten free/yeast free B12 so I’ll start on it soon. Hopefully that will help. I’ll keep researching the Royal Jelly theory.

    Hope you are doing well.

    Caro :)

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