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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have talked to two pharmacists today…one told me that the headaches were ‘probably’ caused by the niacin in the tablet, it is 100% of the daily requirement 20 mg. I also talked to a friend whose hubby is a pharmacist and she called him for me…he didn’t believe that it was the nicacin because I just was not ingesting that much…takes quite a bit to cause a headache. He did did however think the possibility of my having a reaction to a filler in it or the dye used to color them was a better cause of my headaches…and to me that makes a lot more sense after reading several posts on here regarding people that are sensitive to the dyes and/or fillers in our hormone replacements. He made a coule of suggestions, the one I am going to do is not take them for a few days and see if the headaches go away…if they don’t I will call the dr. on Monday.

    I started taking the vitamins after posting on here and Bobbi responded. She calmed my fears about taking a vitamin that has iodine in it letting me know that we all need ‘some’…and she warned me about NOT taking anything with iron in it close to when I take my hormone replacement, something I was totally unaware of…I will let you know when/if I find out what is causing them…if it is these vitamins I will find some with no dye and hopefully less filler.

    Post count: 93172

    Sorry…I mispelled sunlight! Duh!
    Just wanted to mention I called my Endo today, and got
    my levels checked. I have been having alot of pain when walking,
    coming down stairs is awful, and I wake myself up at night
    just moaning. Can’t lay on my back, it makes my chest
    hurt. Won’t find out until Friday or so if my levels are
    off. If they aren’t, guess we will check other things.

    Hugs to all,

    Post count: 93172

    I know what you are going through. As I type, my upper thigh is throbbing as well as my arm. I really don’t understand. My recent blood work came back with my TSH as abnormal (low), but my Free T4 and T3 were normal. I just don’t get it. I see the Endo on Friday.

    I was diagnosed in the infantile stages of Graves. Therefore, the Drs felt I had a better chance of remission. I was even working out for a while running 3 miles every other day. However, I got a sinus cold. I couldn’t take any medicine. So, I had to let the cold take its course. Since I got over it, it seems the Graves is back to its old tricks. My muscle weakness came back twice as strong, my hair is breaking off and falling out, and I have been grumpy and more easily tired than normal. I guess my question is: If my Free T4 and T3 are normal though my TSH is abnormal, what can the Dr do? I am 5 mg of ATD now. If he increases it, wouldn’t I have a large chance of going hypo?

    It’s awful.

    Take care,

    Toni Hering

    Post count: 93172

    Anyone know of a vitamin with no iodine? Thanks.

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