I was diagnosed in April of ’98. My TSH was normal, other levels were sky high. Did ATD’s for several months, still the same with the TSH, only other levels normal, TSH low. Was allergic to both, so had RAI in Oct. of ’98. Then went hypo in March of ’99. TSH went way high, levels way low…ONLY ONCE! Been on Levoxyl ever since. TSH is low, other levels normal. Any ideas?
EllieHi everyone,
My understanding is that the TSH can stay suppressed, sometimes long after the T3 and T4 measurements read normal. I have an *opinion* that it is because it was unnecessary during the time that we were hyper, and takes a while to “wake up” again. It IS a reading from the pituitary, but it does figure in to the total balance of hormones our bodies need. Some people here have reported suppressed TSH for YEARS following their T4 and T3 being normal! My doctor didn’t like to see the TSH so low, even with my other numbers being normal, and put me on Tapazole to see if that would “wake it up.” It seems to have worked, and after just a few months on Tapazole my TSH levels are coming up. But this is largely a guessing game — different doctors have different opinions, and some don’t even think it’s a problem if the T4 and T3 read normal.
I hope that helps a little.
I was diagnosed in Oct 99 with mild graves. My TSH low and Free T4 high and T3 normal. I was put on 10 mg of Tap. By December, my TSH was still low, T4 normal and T3 still normal. So, my doctor decreased my dosage to 5 mg a day. In February I caught a cold. During my cold, my hyper symptoms came back. My arms were cramping and weak as well as my legs. My hair started to fall out again. And, I started getting real cranky. When I saw my Endo and told him my symptoms are reocurring, he agreed I was going hyper again. About a week ago, the Endo upped my dosage to 7 mg of “T.” I am being monitored closely incase I suddenly go hypo. I’ll see the Endo in another two weeks. Anyway, I was lucky enough to get a doctor who listens. Since he upped my dose, my arms are not hurting as bad.
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