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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    While I can’t make any contradictory remarks concerning the
    overall gist of this article, I did want to ask a question
    that someone might be able to shed some light on. It sounds
    like Dr. Volpe is a firm believer in the TSH test. Okay,
    it is recognized as the most “sensitive” of the thyroid
    hormone tests. However, docs I have talked with have
    told me that it takes a minimum of 6 weeks for changes in
    my TSH to show up in a bloodtest. Wouldn’t this fact make
    TSH as “weak” as tests for Free T4 and T3 then? Isn’t it
    possible that changes in FT4 (at least) levels could be able to
    react to the increased/decreased TSH levels by the time
    the TSH changes show up in a bloodtest result?? Well, anyway,
    I think I’m getting too technical for a Friday afternoon.
    Anyone else heard about the “lag time” for TSH changes
    to show in bloodtests though?

    Sheila H.

    Post count: 93172

    ‘thyrobulletin’ Summer 1998 Volume 19, No.2

    Dr. Volpe Speaks:

    Misinformation on diagnosis and treatment

    There is a great deal of misinformation
    being spread by alternative medicine
    regarding the diagnosis and manage-
    ment of hypothyroidism. In a recent publica-
    tion by a drug firm, the tradition continues as
    they have published an article by the Broda
    Barnes Research Foundation which is essen-
    tially without foundation.

    The article states that determining the
    standard thyroid function tests “fails to do
    what really counts”. This is simply incorrect.
    The authors instead state that a simple basal
    axillary temperature test would determine
    thyroid status. In fact, the temperature range
    for axillary thermometry varies quite widely
    and the use of such a procedure would pro-
    vide a completely erroneous idea as to who
    has thyroid disease.

    We now have extremely sensitive tests
    which measure thyroid stimulating hormone
    (TSH). The results of this test will be elevat-
    ed even before the serum free thyroxine or
    triiodothyronine values decline as patients
    are becoming hypothyroid. Thus, we often
    are able to diagnose what is termed compen-
    sated hypothyroidism while patients have no
    symptoms whatsoever. In such circum-
    stances, the TSH has already risen but the
    levels of thyroxine (T4) or triiodothyronine
    (T3) are still normal at this point.
    Conversely the TSH will fall even before the
    levels of T4 and T3 rise and this is termed
    subclinical hyperthyroidism.

    It is thus clear that the TSH is the most
    sensitive test of thyroid function. Indeed, if it
    is normal, one simply cannot make a diagno-
    sis of primary hypothyroidism or for that
    matter hyperthyroidism.

    Of course, there are some people who
    feel that one can have thyroid function
    abnormalities even with completely normal
    thyroid function tests. However, there is no
    objective evidence for this whatsoever, and
    the consensus amongst thyroidologists,
    including members of the American Thyroid
    Association, is that patients who have vari-
    ous symptoms but normal thyroid function
    including a normal TSH simply do not have
    thyroid dysfunction.

    Another point raised by The Broda
    Barnes Research Foundation is the measure-
    ment of a 24 hour urine test for T4 and T3.
    No endocrinologist in the academic world
    would use such a test when we have
    available the very sensitive TSH determina-
    tions. Once again, there is no credence in
    such a test and it is never even mentioned at
    national and international thyroid meetings.

    Finally, there is no evidence that natural
    preparations have any advantage whatsoever
    over synthetic thyroxine. There is no evi-
    dence that they (i.e. synthetic thyroxine
    preparations) are “very poor replacement
    therapy” and there is no evidence that natural
    desiccated thyroid hormone has proven to be
    much more “bio-equivalent in the body” as
    stated in the article in the drug brochure.
    These represent merely empiric statements
    without any scientific support and should be
    given no credibility.

    —-end of article—

    Message 1 of 0


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