I was diagnosed with Graves in January and started on therapy with PTU and atenolol. My levels are now all normal except for my TSH. My endo, who is brilliant, says that it was mild and now looks more sub clinical and even could be trending toward hypo. I should get my labs back tomorrow, but wanted to know what defines remission? When does the endo usually take you off the PTU or methimazole? I’ve weaned myself off atenolol already and I feel okay.
Also, it appears like my Graves was triggered by pregnancy two years ago. I am thinking that I might not want to go through another pregnancy just to maybe flare after or during pregnancy (small chance but could happen). OR, I could find myself with another autoimmune problem triggered by another Pregnancy. I’m finally happy again and our little girl is healthy and happy, so I don’t want to interrupt anything. We are seriously thinking of not having any more children or adopting. Not sure what our decision will be.
Has anyone here had more children after being diagnosed with graves? Did you develop another autoimmune disease? Did you trigger after subsequent pregnancies? I’m still so mad that I have this disease. My doctor tells me to go ahead and it will be fine, but its easy for him to say. This is my overall wellness. I would appreciate any help or advice with this.
Thank you.Hi,
I too am in a similar situation. I had my 4th baby boy in November of 2011, and I’m fairly certain it triggered Graves. I didn’t have a problem with my other 3 boys, but this time I did. I took methimazole for the last 7 weeks, but because it started damaging my liver (very abnormal liver function tests came back that were totally normal pre-medicine), I had to stop on Friday. It did make my thyroid normal though. So, I will have to have surgery or RAI probably- I call my doctor today.
I don’t plan on having any more children; I, like you, don’t want to trigger the Graves coming back/ being hyper again. I’m hoping I don’t go hyper again while I’m trying to figure out the next step right now.
That being said, I do have a friend who has Graves and took ATD’s through out her 4 pregnancies for the last 10 years and breastfed as well. So, it can be done- she has had issues with Graves on and off these last 10 years and has been on both ATD’s. I don’t know her history in detail, but it can be done- but, I suppose it’s possible that childbirth could trigger the hyper symptoms again- it is stressful (as we know!) and having a baby (although wonderful), is tough on the body. I hope you find peace in your decision and take it 1 day at a time.
Hello – Hopefully, you will get some additional responses on the pregnancy issue. I do know there are many women on this board who have had successful pregnancies after being treated for Graves’. Just make sure that your doctor is up to date on the latest guidelines on Graves’ and pregnancy.
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As for remission, the latest guidance from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American Thyroid Association recommends antibody testing (TRAb) prior to withdrawal of anti-thyroid drugs. If the drugs are withdrawn while antibodies are still raging, a recurrence of hyperthyroidism is much more likely.
Take care!
Hi, I developed Graves’ after my first child. Had surgery, took Synthoid, did not give any of it a second thought regarding future pregnancies. I pretty much considered a healthy 24 year old, back in the normal, euthyroid population. That is also what I was told by the endo and ob docs. I think your doctor telling you to go ahead, and it will be fine, might be based on his knowledge he has???
We proceeded to have two more children, no issues, no complications at all.
I really don’t think it is an issue at all. I had all the energy and enthusiasm needed to have more kids. Not precluding that I am very normal, and having a new baby and a family, has those rare moments when you wish you were anyplace but there! Having said that, I would do it again in a New York minute. I was super happy with my one child, too, but I wanted more. I love having three, and we almost decided to have four,but my husband was very happy with what we had, and did not want to have four children. Myself, I am sorry we didn’t have the fourth unknown person.Just think of all the people who are pregnant in this world. It would be interesting to ponder how many of them developed Graves’ or any other autoimmune disease after pregnancy. I have no idea. And, this is just my thinking and my experience.
Perhaps an appointment with a geneticist would help you by providing additional information?
Incidentally, I was mad I had Graves’, but have lived very well with it. I was not at all happy that I developed TED several decades later, either.
I was diagnosed with Graves a year after the birth of my first daughter (about 6 years ago) and like you my levels became normal quite quickly on PTU. Within 3 months I was only on 1 tablet of PTU a day and I took this for about 2.5 years after which I was in remission. I think that they tend to keep you on a low dose for quite a while to make sure you are in remission and that your TSH is normal. I felt better after a week of taking the medication , and didn’t have any side effects so it never really bothered me to continue the meds.During my second pregnancy, I had regular blood tests which were all normal. My daughter tested positive for neonatal graves, however the doctors closely monitored this and it resolved itself without needing treatment.
About a month ago started feeling hyper again (my daughter is 5 months). This time I knew what it was and got tested straight away. I have started on a higher dosage of PTU than last time, so I guess my levels are higher this time. I also think that it may not be enough as still feel hyper, but will find out soon enough as just had a blood test on Monday.
This probably confirms your concerns, however I believe that it can also be triggered by other stresses that come up in life, not just childbirth.I love my baby to bits, she is such a chilled baby compared to my first and I am really enjoying the baby stage despite being hyper – I didn’t really enjoy the baby stage as much with my first as she was quite full on. I always wanted two kids and now when I see how much my oldest adores her baby sister it feels like the right decision.
I have also had other health problems (not autoimmune) triggered by child birth so feel a bit like I am falling apart so I can’t say its not hard at the moment. Despite all this, I have to try and be positive and think that this time next year I will be back to my normal self and I will have two beautiful girls making it all worth it!If you really want another child I wouldn’t let it stop you, however it is really a personal decision.
All the best,
RachaelIt does feel like a limbo in terms of having more kids. Looking back, I wish I went ahead and had more kids before it was too late (I had 2 in a short time span, (Irish twins), which also triggered Graves), but I didn’t, as I was frozen in the Graves’ (and researching Graves) world. I regret now, but I also understand that at the time I was scared of my own health implications, as well as potential baby health implications. By the time I figured that I was out of the Graves mental pit, it was too late to have more children, naturally (artificially still possible). It is your decision, sooner or later some change and stabilization will arrive, (different for different people, for me it was RAI and forgetting about Graves).
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