Pretibial myxedema, like the eye disease, is caused by antibodies, not thyroid levels. So this is one of those conditions that can go into and out of remission as antibody levels rise and fall. I would suggest though that you get a dermatologist to reconfirm the diagnosis. I had pretibial myxedema, and then thought it had come back a few years later. The second problem, though, was not related to pretibial mxyedema.
I was dx in 2002 and had RAI. After treatment, I lost muscle in upper legs, developed eye signs and pretibial myxedema on the right lower leg confirmed by biopsy. Now 8 years later, I am developing pretibial myxedema on the other leg along with redness and swelling of the upper foot on both sides. Can this be happening after 8 years? I have continually had eye issues since 2002.
Is there anything that can be done to stablize the antibodies…?
There is no treatment to stabilize the antibodies without suppressing our immune systems. But if we suppress our immune systems, then we become much more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections. So, the quick answer to your question, charlene, is "no."
I have also had continuing quad weakness especially on left side…difficulty up steps and rising from chair. Do you know if that continues to progress or can? I have been doing quad strenghtening exercises and it seems to make no difference. I am 62 and am getting worried how this will affect me over the next 10-20 years.
If your thyroid hormone levels are well managed, then the muscle issues should not progress. You may want to have yourself evaluated by a physical therapist to make sure you’re not overworking a very weak area ~ that could result in continuing problems.
Please see your dr. asap regarding this. I know you say both feet are affected with swelling and it seems that it is PM again but there could be something else going on. Let you dr. see your feet/legs and determine if there is a nessesary sonogram to order to rule out a blood clot. Please, pretty please!
I have had ongoing issues with this same thing. I have had doctors check me out. They all say the same thing PM. Although as mammabear said, I have had a sono after a blood clot developed in my leg, after all this happened. So the pretty please stands to be what I want to agree with. It is good to have a doctor take a look again. My PM is continuing to attack the top and side of my feet, I even have my big toe getting it, looks as though it may be moving onto the fingers as well. From what I have come across it looks as though we can suffer from PM more than once, and it would also depend on what part of your body it wants to attack. It may not be your legs next, or even the tops of your feet, but your fingers or your toes.
Valarie -
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