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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Heather! Welcome to the BB. I hope you find some comfort to know that there are others within reach to ask questions and bounce things around with. This is a good bunch of people.

    I am taking methimazole myself, but only in treatment for about 4 months now. So far, so good. We’ll see how it goes over time.

    You said that RAI was the only choice if the methimazole (“T) didn’t work. I am actually considering surgery if the ATDs don’t work for me, but also might try another round of the ATD’s if I don’t go into remission when I am taken off them after a year or so of treatment. I also might try BRT next time around which is called Block and Replacement Therapy and is a combination of ATD with Synthroid to block the action of the thyroid completely and replace the hormone simultaneously. I don’t look at RAI as my only choice.

    Each of us is different and apparently your situation called for RAI. I hope you have an easy time of getting balanced on replacement hormone. If you don’t feel you are, stay in real close contact with your medical professionals because it sometimes takes time and effort to get it right. And sometimes it changes over time as our bodies change and age. Have you read any good books on Grave’s Disease? There are several recommended on the NGDF home page and available for purchase online.

    Good luck and stay in touch with us.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Heather – Another BB reader here – Sarah’s advice to you was excellent – there are several alternatives to consider. You can reseach topics here by doing a search – I’d start with RAI and look at ATD’s, too.

    I was on Tapazole for 18 months before going into remission – my first endocrinologist kind of implied that it might take a year or so on ATD’s, so I was really getting frustrated that things weren’t happening faster. The next doctor I was switched to told me that it could take two years or so – which made me more willing to continue on with treatment. I was in remission for 8 months, then symptoms reappeared, and my second endo said that I could try ATD’s again or go for RAI – she recommended RAI, so I went with her judgement. THEN I read more about RAI and now wonder if I should have given ATD’s another try. It’s all a guessing game – but looking at the alternatives is a good idea before you decide on a plan of action. Although I haven’t had any problems post-RAI (8 months ago), I now wonder whether the RAI will actually hold or if my thyroid will re-activate someday.

    Some people have real problems getting regulated after RAI – finding the right mix of thyroid replacement hormones can be tricky. Take those ATD’s now, and read as much as you can before you make any major decisions!

    Best wishes to you –

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves last week, started on Tapazole. I also have Multiple sclerosis and was wondering if anyone else had other auto immune illness?


    Post count: 93172

    It’s not uncommon for autoimmune diseases to cluster in people. I also have Hashimoto’s disease and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

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