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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Meg – I don’t post to this BB very often but I read it frequently
    because it helps me be suppotive to my 19 year old daughter with GD.
    She was diagnosed about 3 1/2 years ago, was treated with RAI and is
    doing pretty well. She felt exactly like you do at first and had no
    desire, confidence or energy to socialize and she was VERY self-
    conscious in public. As the RAI took effect and her appearance
    improved dramatically, as well as her overall health, she became very
    involved in life again. She still struggles with some of the health
    concerns that other people mention, but for the most part she is at
    a much better place. The new concern is hypoglycemia which she will be
    tested for next week. Sometimes I wish so hard that she didn’t have to
    deal with all this at such a young time in her life, but then she
    returned from the ski area where she instructs the other day and told
    me about a woman she was teaching who has severe Lupus. This woman
    has seizures daily, can not drive, and everyone treats her like an
    invalid. She is not supposed to be skiing at all. Anyway, Lisa was
    working with her and was able to treat her as just another person
    because of her own expeiences with health problems. She never let on
    about her own struggles but simply said something like ,”Don’t you
    just want to do your own thing and have everyone leave you alone.”
    So all this rambling is my way of sending you my support and expressing
    that it is the difficult and challenging times that mold us into
    something special. Please know that you are not alone and feel free to
    e-mail me or Lisa.She will be home until the end of January.

    Post count: 93172

    My son John was diagnosed with GD in his sophomore year of high school(after 6 weeks of misdiagnosis, including being put on Ritalin)
    After recovery on medication, he relapsed with serious GD in Mar of sr yr. The disease severely affected his school performance, and was compounded by mos teachers’ inability to understand why he could not do schoolwork. Several called him lazy and not really sick. Because of his relapse in Mar of sr. year, he could not make a decision about college and so is working for a year and hopes to go in Sept. I myself had GD following birth of his older brother, and can understand what he has gone through and feel frustrated that people don’t understand. The experience has really undermined his self-confidence. We hae been looking for information on how GD affects learning process and concentration levels. Anyone have any suggestions?

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