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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My ob/gyn-endrocrinologist said normal is between 6-10 for T4. I never really worried about the Tsh, infact I really don’t know much about it. My docs have always been really concerned about my T4 levels and usually set my medication dosages according to those results. I have been diagnosed with graves for 3 years now, but it took about a year to diagnose it. They did all sorts of tests to see if I was diabetic, etc and then I went into the hospital and they did a total blood workup and I found out form them (shows how quickly they sometimes take to notify you of major abnormalities) 4&1/2 months later. Good luck on trying to have a baby. Motherhood (the 6 weeks I have experienced so far) have been the most joyful of my life…

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