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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    loried, I was single too and really not emotionally fit to be dating. Shortly before my diagnosis I had walked out in an outburst on the guy I was seeing (no matter–it would never have worked). Anyhow, I really didn’t have anything good to share with anyone during those times, though my need for support was great. I could see that someone would have to already love me a lot to put up with the state I was in, so I decided to forget about dating, and instead got a lot of support from friends on this BB. Through one of them I met a loving, supportive man who has been my husband for nearly two years now–so you see, anything can happen! In the meantime, we’re here for you.

    Dianne W

    Post count: 93172

    I haven’t been on for awhile and was amazed at the postings on marriage. My husband and I have been going through rocky times. Nothing he does pleases me. I got the book Graves Disease, in our own words. I read it, so did my mom, and now I’ve asked my husband to read it. He put it on the shelf. I know he doesn’t have a clue what I’m going through and most of the time I feel like he doesn’t care. My feelings get hurt very easily and I don’t feel good. My two sons ignore the fact I’m sick. I’m having a pity party right now… Thanks for listening and it’s nice to know I’m not alone.

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