Thanks Donna & Shan,
I’m over my shock now (2 days since being diagnosed with GD); and I am reading EVERYTHINGg I can get my hands on. I have to say that this bulletin board has been a life-saver. When I started reading some of the messages it was like looking into a mirror. I wept like a baby (not a good thing when your at work on the Internet on your lunch hour). Nancy Patterson’s message which talked about “Losing It” especially hit home. I really thought I was going off the deep end these last few weeks. And I almost “planned” to do so. I haven’t had the guts to talk about it with anyone. My fainting spells were actually what sent me to the endocrinologist, not the other symptoms. I thought I was hypoglycemic. Who knows, I still may be. I’ll be pushing my doctor now to check into this. But I just wanted to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR BEING THERE. It’s been easier for me to deal with what’s been going on after reading some of your experiences. Thanks once again, Sleepless in Chicago, Margaret S.