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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Did we miss your question? We do not have any support groups in Colo.
    We will be holding our National Convention in Colorado Springs next August.
    In the mean time write to the National Graves Disease foundation/I at
    2 Tsitsi Court Brevard, NC 28712 or call 704-877-5251. Send a sell addressed
    stamped envelope ($1.05) and we will get some info out to you.


    Post count: 93172

    Thank you Jake for responding. I have already received the info from the
    NGDF. I do read the messages almost every day although I usually don’t
    put out alot input. I’m glad that this support is here. I’ll tell you
    a little about myself. I am 36 years old, a R.N., married with three girls
    ages :6, 4, 18 mths, and expecting another daughter in Nov. I was diagnosed
    with Graves August 1993 after years of being told that my symptoms were
    normal for a woman and that it was “all in my head”.One male MD actually
    told me to go home and drink a bottle of wine and “make my husband happy”
    Finally a women MD diagnosed me right away. I was also diagnosed by the
    military. I was on Tapazole for two weeks before breaking out in hives.
    Then I took 10 mils of RAI Sept. 1993. I got worse before getting better.
    My labs became elevated; the doctors said that was normal. That as my
    thyroid gland was being destroyed it was releasing more of the hormones.
    I was briefly put on PTU. Inderal was my friend. I liked the way it helped
    me feel calm. Now like most of you my eyes are what drives me crazy.
    They hurt alot. I will not let people take my picture unless I’m wearing
    sunglasses. Vain, I know. I had that lateral tarsorrhaphy you had mentioned
    in a previous note , about a year ago. My right eye is ok, but the left
    eye the adhesion did not hold. So I had it redone, but the adhesion still
    stretched some and it didn’t seal at the very outer edge. Now that eye
    has a steady stream of tears from it that drives me nuts. I just want my
    eyes to go back to normal, is that really to much to ask? Thanks for
    letting me vent. Give my husband a break from all of my griping.

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