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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Missy!
    Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. A while back, we had some discussions on neuropathy(tingling in hands and feet) with Graves’. You may want to run a search on it. I believe DianneW and Bobbi both have posted about it.

    Good Luck and hope you get to feeling better soon!
    Online Facilitator, NGDF

    Post count: 93172

    I also had this problem with being very weak and tingly in the beginning, when I was first diagnosed Hyperthyroid. I could barely walk and I lost my job. I still have the problem with my legs, but it is more achy and not so much weakness. I do not have the tingling anymore. No one quite ever understood what I was saying in regards to this. This is 6 yrs later. I feel I must have to start with low exercise when I can to build up my muscles again. Good Luck to you, I know this is very hard to deal with. I also had no energy, I still don’t.

    Post count: 93172

    Missy, when I went hypo following RAI, it was sudden and sounds very much like what you’re describing. The muscles felt like there wasn’t enough fuel getting to them–they were fatigued as after too much exercise, especially the arm muscles.

    For me, this can happen before the T4 and T3 levels are out of the normal range. You should not feel especially tired with thyroid levels that are correct for you, either. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if your symptoms are indications that you’re going hypo. The tingles could fit right in with that. I hope you follow right up on this with your doctors as you’ve indicated you’re going to. Best wishes finding the answers.

    Dianne W

    Post count: 93172

    When I went hypo, my shoulders and arms tingled like they were going to cramp, my heart rate slowed, and I was freezing. Then, a lot of my muscles (legs, arms, shoulders, butt, you name it) started cramping the next week. When I had blood drawn, the endo said my TSH was still less than .1 because it hadn’t had time to “bouce back” yet, and the other numbers were dropping from my severly hyper stage to “normal ranges”. He immediately started me on thyroid replacement.

    I went hypo hard and fast and if you can nip it in the bud, I’d highly recommend it. (I didn’t plan around Thanksgiving:-)

    Good luck,

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