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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thankyou so much for making me feel sane about the situation!!! The doc said it nothing to do with thyroid problems!!! They have not diagnosed what made me hyper to begin with and have not done any blood work for over a month. Personally, I believe I have hashimotos and my thyroid is slowly killing itself off. I guess I am lucky if thats the case as I will not have to go through the RAI!!! Got to count our blessings even if they do not seem like true blessings!!!! Anyways, please E-mail me to let me know how things are going….Tamra.

    Post count: 93172

    I have two different types of skin rashes on my thighs. One is red bumps scattered about. The other is more like a poison oak rash. That one always seems to be there under the skin, ready, waiting for activation! They are driving me nuts. Anyone have this problem? Is it related? I have read about a rash over the knees, but that is not where it is at.

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