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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Reply to Gina:

    Hi, Gina.

    I just read your post. I had RAI in Oct ’98, went completely hypo within 6 weeks; had horrible symptoms; basically my entire system slowing to a standstill, including very extreme muscle weakness. During this time, I had trouble swallowing. Would wake up during the night choking on my saliva, thinking I would die in my sleep, my throat would close up, etc. Went to the E.R. twice, during which they took a blood test and informed me I had no thyroid.

    The swallowing has improved, but occasionally notice a little difficulty. Sometimes it feels as I’m swallowing a rock, rather than just saliva. I have to drink while eating to wash down the solids. Of course, my endo says this, along with all my other symptoms, weren’t thyroid related. My G.P. ordered a barrium swallow too, which I still haven’t had yet.

    So this isn’t all in my head, huh? I thought it was a slow recuperation from all my muscles being so week, including my swallowing muscles. It’s taken me a year to get somewhat back to normal, except I still have some mild dizziness, which I think is from my eyes and the swelling.

    Well, take care


    Post count: 93172

    In the book “Your Thyroid, A Home Reference” (Wood, Cooper, Ridgway), a disease called myasthenia gravis is mentioned as one which occurs more commonly among people with Graves’. Its symptoms are listed as muscle weakness, which increases the more a person tries to do, and difficulty swallowing or double vision. They say the muscle weakness is worse when thyroid levels are off. I don’t know if either of your doctors has investigated this as a possibility in your case, but you might want to ask about it.

    Best wishes,
    Dianne W
    NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I don’t have anything as sever as what you are experiencing but do notice when I do something stupid like eating shrimp or clams I do have what feels like a lump in my throat when swallowing for a couple of days and since it co-incides with eating foods that contain iodine it could be as Jan says a hyper symptom. My dose of synthyroid is small so I know I still have some thyroid function and foods that contain iodine DO directly affect it.

    Post count: 93172

    To Diane:

    When my hypo symptoms were so so severe last year after RAI, through my own research (cuz my endo said all my symptoms were not related to thyroid), I thought maybe I had MS or myasthenia gravis, and I was petrified with fear. My internist tested me for both and they came up negative.

    I was convinced that I had MG because of muscle weakness and stiffness especially in my face, and “pins & needles” tingling in my face and through my entire scalp. It was very bizzarre. A year later, I still feel mild muscle stiffness in my face around my temples and into my cheeks, but I think that’s because of the TED and swelling around my eyes.

    I think all my continuing symptoms are related to Graves’, cuz I sure felt fine before diagnosis (besides mild heart palpitations and anxiety)! Gosh, even my eyes were perfectly normal before RAI!

    If anyone out there has myasthenia gravis, can you please reply and describe your symptoms. Thanks for reading my long recent posts!


    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the information Jan. I thought maybe I was hyper too but I don’t have other symptoms and my tsh has been perfect for 8 months now. I don’t think I was this bad during my worst times with Graves. I don’t have any shaking or other hyper symptoms so it’s more isloated to swallowing only. Appreciate any info you find out. Thanks.

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