If your numbers are looking good to your endo and your feeling good, take the time to research all three options open to us…RAI, ATD’s or surgery…you can use the search engine on here and search those topics, I find if I use the ” ” marks like “RAI” etc. I get better results.Knowledge is power, and right now you need to empower yourself. Learn all you can about GD, about treatments, then make the decision that is best for YOU. Only you will know which one you are comfortable with. It might be a help if you keep in mind that both surgery and RAI are permanent, while ATD’s can buy you some time, and some even go into remission using them. It is your body, your decision, and you hire your drs. to work with/for you. Best to work as a team, ask questions, you will get lots of hints from this board on which questions to ask too. Then when you are ready to make your treatment choice, sit down with your dr. and discuss the choice you prefer and why and talk to him/her about working as a team…together.
Good luck, and keep reading and asking questions.
JodyEveryone’s experience with RAI is different. FOr me and my mother (who had it in 1994 for GRaves) it was quite uneventful. I took the pill, slept in a separate bed from my husband for 4 days, you have to stay away from others especially children for a fwe days. I felt no effects from the pill, nothing negative and after the treatment week went back to my normal routine. I had felt extremely unwel for 2 months before the treatment and within a week or two started to feel a slight cahnge in my symptoms. I am now since months post RAI, feeling great, levels are normal. It took about 2 months after the treatment for me to start to feel healthy but i never had any negative response/reaction to the treatment. As i said, it is different for everyone but that was my expereince you just have to research and find the best choice for you.
KateI had RAI treatment in March, 1999. Went into remission in August, 1999. Came out of remission in January, 2000. Now I’m looking at having a thyroidectomy.
Everyone responds differently to the different treatment options available. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing before hand how you will respond in the long run.
I was sick for two weeks after RAI. Nauseated, dizzy, week and tired. Not everyone has these side effects, though.
It is best to really research all you can about GD and all the available treatments. Then take some time and think it over and discuss them all with your doctor.
Good luck to you!!
I recently read a book you can and anyone especially spouses
of patients.The book is calle The Thyroid Solution by Ridha
Arem, MD. This book has been a renassaince for me in that
the support and reassurance he gives throughout the book
and backs everything he say up with medical findings that
other doctor’s would benefit from to help treat there paitients.
One very important chapter to me discusses the possibility
that even though your levels are all normal, some people
like me still fill ill, puffy eyes, and unexplained aches and
pains. This doctor has discovered that lowering your t-4 dose
slightly and suplementing it with t-3 in minute amounts
twice a day to mimick your normal thyroid activity.He claims
in his book that he gets dramatic results with every patient
within 2-3 weeks at most. You can get this book at amazon.com.
Happy Easter, DaveJust finished burnout from RAI 6 weeks ago. Did the RAI on Nov.30, 1999, Dr told me in 6-8wks. I would burn out and feel very tired then would start me on meds. Burn out took a little longer, everybody is different. I became very tired and slept a lot. But let me back up. I went to Hospital as an outpatient. Swallowed a RAI pill with water and went home. Stayed away from work for 4 days (took FMLA). Then after four days went back to work. Worked until burnout, was sleeping so much then I had to take FMLA again for a month now am ready for my blood to be tested and see where the TSH3 and 4 are and Dr. will adjust my meds. Like I said everyone is different, and therefore experience is different. RAI didn’t hurt or anything, though.
Thanks for the advice. My Doctor has now taken me completely off of Tapazol(about a week now)and I still feel pretty good. Although he has suggested Thyroid removal, I’m going to take the extra time and explore
ALL my options. I’ve never really had any health problems at all so this
has been pretty overwhelming… -DaveFirst posting for me but glad this is here. I just did RAI on the 10th and am feeling like crap. Is this normal? What are other people’s symptoms? My esophagas and throat feel like a blow torch is going off in it – have lost my voice now – for the 4th day. Just saw an ENT doc because they diagnosed reflux. He said my vocal chords are a mess. . Very painful to swallow. Even my neck and throat are flushed on the outside! Low grade fever. Am Very tired! Am kind of missing the GD buzz right now! It’s hard to find the energy to do anything! Is this the typical experience with RAI and how long does it last? And how long before your numbers came down? I want to get off the propanolol! Thanks!
I think you’ll be surprised that you will feel NO DIFFERENT after the RAI. I had it done about 10 days ago and the dr. told me that my dose (which was 12 millicuries) is really not a lot. I was told not to sit right next to someone but that i could be in the same room. Distance was best. I was not given any food restrictions but was told to drink water and that the radioactive iodine would leave my body through my urine within about 2 days. It was really uneventful!!! I too was worried. Good luck today. Let us know how it goes.
Paula -
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