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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    You can obtain these glasses (or a clip-on style)
    from an optometrist or optician. My duties with
    NGDF reqire that I spend most of the day in front
    of the computer and the clip-on style that I use
    have greatly relieved the eye strain.

    Post count: 93172

    Never heard of them, what are they, where does one get them? Everyone in my family uses the computer a lot and computer glasses is very interesting.

    Post count: 93172

    Has anyone who has had orbital radiation had a change in vision? Saw my neuro-opth today and is discussing possible radiation. First we’re trying a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, Naprosyn. Don’t know if it will help the swelling, but I can’t tolerate steroids. Tried them once.

    He discussed the side effects of radiation but feels comfortable that I would be getting a low dose, 1500 rads. Just got new glasses, second prescription change in 6 months and I can’t deal with another vision change. But all in all, my optic nerve is still fine. Just looking for feedback on radiation experiences. Thanks again!


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