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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    That prednisone does wonders for the sleep doesn’t it? :) I had to get the doc to give me medication for sleeping while I was taking it. It probably is also giving you that taste in your mouth.


    Post count: 93172

    Thank you for the beautiful poem. That was the essence of Audry Hepburn. I printed it out and am going to make a copy all framed and decorated in a nice font on my word processing programme and post it up.

    I’ve suffered with RSI (repetitive strain injury) or I think the new term for it is OOS (occupational overuse syndrome)…what ever you want to call it, I’ve had it since 1988. I was treated at one point by a very knowledgeable physio therapist who brought me alot of relief and taught me how to keep it under control. The most important thing to do on a regular basis, whether you are typing or sitting watching TV, is keep stretching it. The tingles and trobbing pain starts because of the lack of blood flow. Stretching forces the blood through and helps keep flexability up in a limb that you may otherwise be favouring and leaving unused because of pain. Stretch the whole arm, the wrist the fingers and the shoulder. It feels a whole lot better. Try this before you go to bed and when you wake up or when ever it’s bothering you. My symptoms progressed from my neck, right down my legs so I have stretches I do for my sciatica, spine and neck as well. Nothing like a good stretching session to start the day.

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