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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Annalise,
    Glad to hear of your progress and that all is going well with you!
    Have been wondering how you were doing.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi All,
    I was reading through the posts this morn. and I should have posted after reading one about tenseing up. I was noticeing lately with this shoulder pain I get that when I get cold or nervous it gets to start hurting worse. So I have also been paying attention to how often I am tensed up. Which is most of the time I notice, but do you think maybe this is from being hyper? I have wondered if maybe we are so busy minded and bodily that we stay all tensed up most of the time and this is where the mucle spasms and so on come from. My chiropractor says that the muscle in my shoulder is hard and spasming I need to work on that to get it to stop spasming……..
    Wondering for those who are using herbs or vitamins if you would e-mail me and let me know what you have found. Thanks
    Hope everyone is having a good week end!!!!
    Blessings, Sally

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