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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    my endo is my pain in the neck
    this disease is my pain in the neck
    all my bones ache.

    But dont know why just your collar bone ache so,
    hope you feel better, i have a stiff neck, if thats the same.

    crazy steve,

    Post count: 93172

    I still would like to no if anyone else has experienced pain in their collar bone after having RAI. I no they told me my neck could get sore, but not the bone. This seems weird to me.

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with GD in November ’96. Am currently taking PTU. Tapazole gave me extremely bad stomach pains. Anyway, for the past five years, I have seen more specialists than I care to count to help me try to find out this mysterious pain in my collarbone. Have been given a variety of pills, but no answers. Am taking Cataflam for the pain. It helps alot.

    Have been taking PTU for about 3 weeks. Am feeling much better. Although I am very tired and have leg cramps.

    Love the BB. Great info.

    Aloha, Darlene

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