Your question, “Has anyone achieved a remission with drugs (ATD’s)?”.
The quick answer is an absolute yes. For some people on this board it just took a matter of a few months, for others it can take a few years. I initially was told my chances of ever achieving a remission was virtually nil because of the severity of my particular case. Over the course of about 4 years; coupled with a few lifestyle changes, I was able to ween myself off of the drug. I’ve been in remission for almost 2 years now.
Sometimes remission takes time, but if you respond well to ATD’s and if you can get your Dr. on side, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to stay on them longer. I tried going off of ATD’s at about 2 years; that wasn’t long enough for me so I continued the course of treatment.
Stay in tune with your body, talk to your Doctor and be very patient, it can take time. The potential outcome is well worth the try!!
Keep us posted on your progress,
Thank you for your reply. I am feeling very tired. I don’t know if it could be the ATD, the beta blocker, or just the Graves. I feel encouraged to hear from a person who is better through drugs alone. By life-style changes, do you mean simply eating well and exercising? KentuckyHi again Kentucky,
There is no easy answer as to why you may be feeling tired. Even if your Dr. is requisitioning regular blood tests and is telling you that your levels are normal; it may not mean it is normal for you. Some people seem to be very sensitive to even slight variances to their Free T3 Levels. For me, I function best at halfway between mid and high normal. Ask you Dr. for copies of all of your test results. I usually have mine faxed to me. You will learn over time what levels make you feel the best. It’s a bit of a balancing act at first, but you will learn very quickly.
I was fortunate enough to respond well to Tapazole and to find that “normal” level for me. I’m confident that you will too, it just takes a little time sometimes.
As for your question about lifestyle changes. Diet and exercise are very important. I would recommend that you search out a Dr. that is trained both as a medical practioner and in Holistic medicine. That way you get the best of both worlds. A qualified person in these fields who is willing to work with you endo could benefit you greatly. It certainly did for me. There is no magic or a quick cure; however, you could greatly increase your chances of a remission by sticking with a program that you and your Dr. are both comfortable with. Please feel free to e-mail me privately for any more specifics.
Take good care of yourself and keep us posted on your progress!
hello all!
I am new here and got diagnosed with gd a few months ago, finally! I was misdiagnosed a couple of years ago.
I have read everything I can find and I feel more lost than when I didnt have info!I dont have it in the eyes, just thyroid they said. My eyes have been bothering me so much for a long time, but they said my eyes are ok.
I had a radioactive iodine treatment and my thyroid uptake is now higher than before. my dr wanted me to have a second treatment, but the hospital refused saying that it has to be at least 3months from your last treatment. So I guess I have about a month to wait. has anyone had this problem? if so, pls let me know. I am pretty confused. I supposedly had good numbers for medication therapy but I opted for the rai treatment, and it seems to have irritated the little sucker! If the first treatment didnt do much should I try again? how do they decide to do surgery? I have 2 small children and it is really frustrating, I guess I just want it fixed and it isnt that simple. I will continue reading everyones messages, as it is really comforting to have your insight and experience. God bless you all, the name “warriors” is truly fitting. Maria M.I know exactly how you feel,Iam one of the unlucky males to be diagnoised with GD{Hyperthyroid}My Endo suggested RAI treatments,after the Scan revealed that my disease were scattered like buckshot,so surgery was out.My Rai was taken in April 1999,some of the syptoms subsided after treatment and was feeling better,however I never went Hypo The last blood test showed still hyper,and now I”am sinking back were I was before RAI,with eye problems to add to the misery,sometimes I wonder if we GD patients ever get a straight answer from our Endo”s Iam in the process of seeking a 2nd opinion? No one in my family suffers from this disease except me,but thank God for this support group we are not alone out there.
I am only very recently diagnosed with mild Graves as well. What is RAI? and TED? I am new to this and I was wondering if you know the answer to the following:
I had noticed an abnormality in my right eye lid. I ended with an Endo through an Opthamologist route-I have a case of mild Graves disease with a right eye lid higher than the left eye lid(bulging slightly). I started my medication for PTU yesterday. During my reaserch I discoverd this site. I don’t understand words like RAI and TED in the forum-I have some simple questions-
1.Is this disease reversible?
2.Will my eye bulge reduce to normal after control of the Graves disease
3. Anything that I should do about my eye right away since this abnormality is only one month old and I started my medication only yesterday
Thankswow that is really something, I have never even heard of graves disease and I was a student nurse at one time! I am really sorry about your eyes! I guess I am sortof in shock, as I dont have the eye problems very bad or some of the other symptoms. I heard that this is pretty rare, especially for a guy! So it doesnt run in your fam? any thyroid prob? hypo runs all through mine.and some hyper, my great grandmother died of it, I guess. your right about this org, I was very happy to have run across it! it is really great to meet people that have an understanding!
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