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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    To Salesman,
    I went up and down for years before finally tripping completely over….at least that’s what my endo suspects considering my history. There is no way to know for sure in my case since no tests were ever done. The nervousness can be attributed to Graves, and also to other problems. That’s a hard one to pin down.
    He said i may have had a mild case of Graves even in my teens. I was always a furnace(body temp at 99 degrees), moved and walked fast, ate a lot but couldn’t gain weight[those were the days], had a high heart rate even then, despite being very active. You get the picture.
    Don’t know what good this will do for you. But it wouldn’t hurt to keep monitoring it.
    Virginia In MN

    Post count: 93172

    Hello salesman,
    Are you avoiding caffeine at all cost? How about shellfish? If not, these could agrivate an already hyper state. Sodas tend to be loaded with salt AND caffeine for the most part, so try to avoid these as well.
    Keep us posted and if the hyper state continues, call your doctor and report it!

    Best Wishes,
    Online Facilitator, NGDF

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