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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Richard…and welcome to the BB. So, you were diagnosed 6 months ago and treated 4 months ago, I assume with RAI. How long have you been on the synthroid? For me the depression was at it’s worst just before starting the synthroid while I was hypo. I’ve been taking the thyroid replacement hormone for about 3-4 weeks now and finally feel like I can go days without crying jags. I hope I never feel that low again. As for trauma precipitating onset of Grave’s disease, I believe it is a major factor, but I doubt if a doctor will back up this as fact. I had a serious femur fracture in ’94, got downsized out of my job in ’95, injured my back doing nursing floor work , had to resign after 13 years with this hospital, found a new job, which was also very stressful mentally, and 4 months later I got Graves diagnosed, tho’ I’m sure I had it alot longer before I was correctly diagnosed. I only wish I could attribute this disease to the stress my former employer put me thru, as I currently have a workman comp. case open regarding the back injury…but I don’t think that will fly. Nobody knows if it’s in the genes, post trauma, or post a viral illness, but all are suspects, tho’ nothing is definite or proven. So, we learn to live with this somehow. I’m currently taking a new antidepressant called paxil and I think it’s helping to keep me more on an even keel. I’ve been off work since 6/22, and hope to return 10/21…4 months out of comission…and I have been really out of it . But I do feel better these days with hope on the horizon. I pray this will end…for some it does, for alot of others, it just seems to go on and on. I wish you the best of luck dealing with your Graves…it is amazing how differently it seems to manifest itself with us. Keep in touch . This group has alot of wisdom to share.


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