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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Annette,
    Sorry to hear about your new problems :(

    Graves Disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. They run your lab tests looking for antibodies in your system to see if it is indeed Graves. There are other causes for hyperthyroidism and I am sure one of the facilatators can and will explain them better. Or you can click on the search button and type in “hyperthyroidism” and look for some of Bobbi’s post explaining it. I know they are in the archives.

    Good luck and better health to you.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Annette,
    I had a Fibroid Tumor removed from my uterus when I was 32. I also had many surgeries due to Ovarian Cysts and they do think there may be a link to this illness. Out of four girls I am the only one with health problems but then again, I was a premie baby, born at 7 months. So who knows what the cause, we could speculate about everything I guess.

    Wishing you the best.


    Post count: 93172

    I wouldn’t be so sure that you can’t connect ovarian or uterin problems with GD. I also have had 2 surgeries for ovarian cysts since they found out I was hyperthyroid. I havent been able to find any FACTS on the connection, but I am convinced that there is one. They couldn’t come up with any other reason and some books I have read have touched on the subject of the hormones affecting female organs in that way. Just thought you might want to hear from someone else that had that problem too.
    Good Luck and I hope your better soon.

    Post count: 93172

    Since ovaries are part of the endocrine system, and Graves’ throws our hormones out of whack, it all seems connected to me. But, I have no medical basis for this supposition…call it a deduction or a hunch.

    It certainly does seem like one thing after another. If it isn’t Graves’ and it isn’t caused by Graves’, it’s awfully coincidental.

    Take care,

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