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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    It took three trips to the hospital over 2+ years to get the diagnosis of chronic (I know I am going to kill the spelling) costocondritus (?) a fancy way to say inflammation of the cartilage of the sternum (breastbone). It mimics a heart attack and after all the tests were done and came back clear they put me on IV steroids. Cleared it up thus the diagnosis.

    Only problem is when it hits I do not take a chance and go to the doc or the hospital. Cannot mistake a heart problem for costocondritus. I take a prescription anti-inflammatory ASAP and if it helps the doc goes from there.

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    Post count: 93172

    Boy! Costochondritis, or Merchant Marines’ Disease….that’s what they called it in the ’70’s, when I first got my diagnosis. My internist said, “have you been carrying large items on your back?” “Huh?”…he was joking, but, the pain was real. He said then that it can also result from a “blow”….immediately, I was back in that apple tree. The one I fell out of, onto my back. My x-ray showed alot of arthritic calcification, big as life. I’ve recently been trying to figure out if I am experiencing costo., or pleurisy (which I did have, also) or, is this a clogged artery?….at that point, even this old warrior’s bells starting ringing!!! I’ve got an appointment, tomorrow.

    I’ve got the dreaded Fibromyalgia, as well. Could be this or that, but, I totally agree with Jake. To keep in contact with the doc; it’s the only way. If you are conflicted by your doc, might be time for another opinion (?). Remember the line, all doctors are “practicing”? Well, they have to, and each of us is different (albeit slightly). I get incredible muscle spasms in my chest, also. I sometimes wonder if I would recognize my heart, even if it sent out warning signals!! Lots of stuff packed into a neat, little package! Take care.

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