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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I used a horse shampoo as well, I live in Michigan now, but when I lived in
    Texas is was really easy to get these products. There is a whole line of “Mane
    and Tail” products: shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, hair thickener etc.
    There is also this other product called “Hoof maker” It is a condition used on
    horses hooves, anyway….it does wonders on human nails as well. Mine look great!
    *smile* …..Carolyn

    Post count: 93172

    I use a horse shampoo, too…the ingredients read like herb tea: camomile, ginger, rosemary, wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, kelp, henna, aloe vera, keratin, citric acid and a whole bunch more. My hair has stayed nice. I really think that Shannon’s recommendations about good hair products are exellent, tho. I have a hair moisturizer that after I read her note, checked, and it has the same ingredients as she said to look for, and it is a product that really makes my hair wonderful.

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