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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the great note, Jake. I wanted to mention one thing in addition. For some of us it gets to the point where we can’t function in a work environment, as was the case with me. Social Security Disability is an option for us. It takes a while to get this into effect but once it is, you will also be eligible for Medicare. I know this is distasteful for some, but it can be a life saver.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jake! Boy, did I ever appreciate your last post to the BB, and are you thinking of me, or what!? The timeliness of every word, for me, is amazingly applicable to where I’m at right now. I just saw my doctor today, my T4 is 8.4…my TSH is 3.26 ( still a bit high ), so they upped my dose of levoxyl to .125mg AND she gave me medical release to return to work Monday, the 21st!!!…gulp… I didn’t want to go back part time, I felt ready to jump back in the saddle of life and do or die…so to speak. So, I went to the office, gave them my release, was welcomed back by staff…the bosses weren’t around at the time, one is the medical director and the other is the administrator…I’m re-entering a government position working for the County of Humboldt as a Public Health Nurse working for CCS or California Children Services…lots of paperwork, briefings, meetings, rounds at the local hospitals, interesting inservices…a very high learning curve for me, and I only had the job 4 months when I was diagnosed with GD. Now, I’ve been off work for 4 months, my mind is sluggish, my pace is slower, and I am afraid I won’t be able to perform up to my usual expectations,,( or theirs..), and I’m on probation still until 2/97. I have been in the hospital environment for all my 20ish years as a RN, working in Critical Care 7 yr., then ER for 7 yr., then some work involving chamical addiction and recovery, until being “down-sized” from that position 8/95, bumped to the grueling floor work where I promptly broke my back lifting too much, so out the door I was…until I found this job…which I CAN’T afford to lose. I printed what you wrote, Jake…tho’ it makes me nervous to show this to people at work, yet I’m again wondering if I’m in denial thinking I can go back to what I was doing before GD…Yes, I’m very nervous…but determined. I remain on paxil, have tapered down to 2mg. of ativan a day…I was addicted to the stuff…( I loathe my previous doc…) I love my current female medical team. I see my internist with labs in 1 month, and my endo late in Nov.. I’m also tapering down the trazodone, walking, and the blood pressure came down to normal…I guess I’m ready, but I will heed every word of advice you gave me and the group, and I appreciate how you speak to these matters.

    Also, I’m sorry to hear you’re having so much trouble with your eyes again…or is it still…Seems to me, you’ve had the bad eye trip for far too long…I can only pray my eyes stay quieted down…I think it stinks to have this go on for years and years…There’s my denial again, for I refuse to believe this disease is a life-time gig…and I know it is…gulp, again. I know this is a long message, so enough on your eyes, Thanks, more than I can say really. Hang in, Jake.

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