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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Marie, I read your message and I was also diagnosed postpartum. I had to have
    gallbladder surgery after the baby was born (she was three months old) and
    attributed my feeling awful to new baby and sick gallbladder. After that
    I began having anxiety attacks which led me to my OB/GYN and diagnosis.
    I was really hopeful when I read that in 6 weeks you should feel well on
    PTU. HA! My dosage has been increased and I go to the doctor on Tuesday
    to see if I’m improving. It has ups and downs. Whenever I get my period, I
    get all those horrible symptoms racing back on me. I was diagnosed in AUgust, on
    PTU started 9/5 and I’m still wondering when I’ll feel normal again
    and hoping and praying it will be soon. Right now, I have a low fever
    and it feels like the beginning of a sore throat…and I find myself wondering
    if I should be calling the doctor on a Sunday about this, esp. with the
    warnings about PTU, etc. I have a 7 month old baby and two other small
    daughters to care for. I live in a small town and the nearest Endo is
    over 90 miles away. My internist feels confident in handling this
    so he has not referred me and the endo’s up there only take referrals.
    I kept praying that this was just postpartum thyroiditis. So far, no
    eye problems except for a tiny, raw patch on one eyelid! I hope this isn’t
    a portent of things to come. Reading these messages and realizing I’m
    not alone, even in being diagnosed postpartum, is very comforting.
    Anyone who has any good encouragement to offer, e-mail me please! Glynis

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