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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I should thank you all for the informative exchanges I’ve observed since diagnosed in December. Neither my primary nor my endo had suggested that I see the ophthamologist even though they had both commented on my red swollen eyes.

    After reading some of the posts I decided I should make an appointment
    and called my primary doctor’s office. I said that I needed a referral to have my eyes examined. The folks in that office figured that the endo had ordered the referral…..the ophthamologist thought the primary ordered the referral because when he called the endo he didn’t know anything about it…..when in fact I ordered the referral and it was approved by the hmo. I love it when things work out.

    thanks for the pointers!

    Post count: 93172

    Let us know how the eye exam turned out. I am afirm beliver in getting
    a good base line exam done so if thengs change they can have something to
    compare it against.

    Love to all,

    Post count: 93172

    My eye measurements are 22 on the left and 23 on the right.
    hope this helps!


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