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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks, Jeannette – I’m passing on the Tap/PTU info tonight.


    Post count: 93172

    Tapazole a methimazole derivative may decrease serum concentrations
    a little more quickly than PTU. It may posess a lower risk of
    agranulocytosis (damage to bone marrow) and it only needs to be
    taken once daily. It isn’t good if you have renal or hepatic disease
    (dose has to be lowered or stopped)
    PTU Inhibits Thyroid hormone in the first step of production and the
    peripheral conversion of T-4 to T-3. It is shorter acting than TAP ( so you take it more often)
    It is less likely to crossover placental barrier. Tapazole is not
    used in PG & breast feeding as much.

    Got this info off a drug info on net. Can’t find address right now. Jeannette

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