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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    Glad to see Nancy got you on line. Didn’t get a chance to talk to
    you since your last eye surgery. Double vision in some areas of gaze
    is common. The prisms should help. Did you get a chance to look into
    doing needle point for eye exercises like I suggested? It really helped
    me. For those of you who may not have heard this from me doing needle
    point is excellent eye excercise. Start out on 7 mesh plastic canvas.
    The holes are large and if you see changes in the grid it is an indication
    that something may be going wrong with your eyes. Not only that but
    it gives you a chance to make a lot of small projects that are great
    for holiday gift giving. They get something hand made from you and you
    get eye exercise and I found it to be fun (go figure a guy who likes
    needle point). I have graduated to 24 mesh linen needlepoint and when
    I started I had a problem with 7 mesh. Hang in there Dave and keep the
    faith. By the way hows the memory doing?


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