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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    Could be something as simple as dry eyes or a dry spot on the cornea. I had
    decompression too but I still have to use the drops or my eyes get red and water.
    Get to your eye doc for a exam of the cornea. Tehy will do the numbing drops
    then the dye to look for dry spots. Don’t panic until you check out what might
    be a simple cure. The doc can tell you if anything has changed.


    Post count: 93172

    Jake said it pretty good I think Susan. One thing tho if you read back thru the messages here, it appears as if a second dose of RAI isn’t all that unusual. Really the goal of the RAI treatmen is a guess as how much is needed to just knock out enough of your thyroid to make you euthyroid. Not enough, and it needs to be done again.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi After four years of graves treatment, ending with orbital decompression surgery, I thought my life was as back to normal as it will get. But I am getting suspicious symptoms, one eye is watery,red,itchy,sore-oh I remember all this! So, the question is, I thought oncemy eyes stabalized, it was over. Surgery was about 2 yrs.
    ago. What is going on? NOTE: it took 2 RAI treatments to successfully knock back my thyroid. The doctors said they’d never heard of that happening before.

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