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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I was DX. and treated in “92”. I knew nothing about PTU or Tapazole, all I was told by my GP was to see an Endo, which I did,and was told by him that I needed RAI,which I took.Was never given any info on Hyper, or Hypo. Guess it was my fault for not asking questions. Now things would be so different since finding the BB. I have learned so much in the last few months that I did not know about in all the years after RAI. I want to thank especially (Jake and Jan), and everyone on the BB. It’s really great to talk(or write) to other people with similar if not the exact symptoms that everyone of us are experiecing(sp). Everyone is so supportive of each other and should be congradulated.

    With Deep Admiration and Hugs to everyone,
    Carole A

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