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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Greetings All!!
    Hope this note finds you well and in good health. There have been a lot
    of things happening lately. There is a National Graves Disease Foundation
    Home page on the way. Look for it later this month. We also are working
    on a once a month CHAT room for those folks who do not have a support
    group in your area. You will need your NGDF membership number to get in
    or a password supplied to you from the Graves foundation. All this will
    be covered in the instructions on how to log in. Bausch and Lomb has
    agreed to sponsor the NDGF to a great extent. Look for rebates for Duo Lube
    and Eye drops coming with your news letters. Bausch and Lomb is also looking
    into providing us an 800 number to make it easier on those of you who want to
    call. Keep up talking to each other and as always I will try and answer any
    and all questions or refer you to someone who can. I can be reached at Remember life does get better!!
    JAke George

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