I will not be able to give any info on what you are asking, there will be people in here that will be able to help you with that. They aren’t here right now but once they see this they will post.
As for you Here is a ((((((big huge))))) for you.
Take a deep breathe, and than another.I am sure it is hard to deal with your baby girl being sick and wondering where the heck it came from. It is never easy for our kids to be sick as we watch and feel helpless for not being able to fix it with a band aid or some milk and cookies.
Trust your gut.
When in doubt, take a hot bath and rethink about things and that feeling you get when your laying there thinking about it is what you should go with.Please know that this can cause many different moods for her so bear with her for now. She wont know how to deal with this at first and wont know why she is acting the way she is acting. Stay strong and show her you are there for her no matter how she acts(and I mean angry,sad,crying for no reason,hyper,depressed all in one).
I wont assume you are a Mrs. Or a Ms. but I will say that if you do have a husband and he lives with you that the both of you should know that this is not something to fight over. Many people have fought over their child being sick and it wound up in divorce. The best thing you can do for your daughter is to be a good team as parents and if you have to argue don’t do it in front of her. Stress is not good for any thyroid issues.
Don’t let the stress consume you or your husband either, you both need to be strong for her and healthy.Good luck, I hope you get your answers soon.
Another new piece of information for me! A bleed is something I’ve not heard of before. Please let us know what you find out as this goes along.
What I DO know is that abnormal levels (hypo OR hyper) cause the thyroid to swell, so that could also be the root cause. Once levels normalize, the gland goes back to normal size.
Hi there,
I’m not too sure about the term "bleed either". I gather from the meds she is on you are based in the UK? Goiters (swelling in the thyroid) is common and it can swell more so at one end than the other there is also the possibilty of nodules on the thyroid. When I was first diagnosed 4 years ago I did have a slight goiter, however this time with the flare up post partum I have a large goiter which i can feel pulsate at times and as though something is pushing on my trachea. My sister had a very large goiter and at one side it was like a massive golf ball. My friend recently (who has no thyroidism) had to have half her thyroid removed because she had 3 large cysts. Hopefully with the meds the swelling should start to go down – however as advised before if you are concerned there is no harm in calling back and explain that you are concerned and what does this mean etc… endo’s are normally very helpful.
I hope she is feeling better soon – it can take a while to kick in. Also I am by no mean a qualified specialist but a word of warning to perhaps ask your endo about is the "blocking treatment" she is on – a combination of carbimazole and thyroxine. I was on this for over a year and felt ill etc.. the first endo wasn’t really interested as my bloods came back normal for a period – however I changed endo’s and he wasn’t happy that I was on blocking treatment and said that is was for post menopausal women and men but for menstruating women its not the appropriate treatment. I know they tried it with me initially as they couldn’t get it controlled but now after being with my endo for a long period of time I trust him and he was right about the blocking treatment. My BIL in Japan called weekly asking my hubby to request I was taken off it.
Sorry not much help but hope you get some good advice and support on here – your daughter too!
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m x
My 17 year old daughter was diagnosed with Graves 3 months ago & has been on carbimazole since then. She began thyroxine 2 weeks ago & in the last few days we have noticed her tyroid gland has enlarged rapidly,, going from not being visibale to being clearly visible. It is larger at one side than the other & she is complaining of a sore throat & bruised feeling. We called her consultant who says he is not alarmed & it could he a bleed in the thyroid. Has anyone experienced this or can give us more information. If it is a bleed, will the sewlling go down again? What if it keeps getting bigger? Are there any warning signs etc we need to watch for? What causes bleeds? Any advice would be very welcome.
Thank you all for the support.
I spoke to the endo & he is going to have alook at my daughter next week as he say’s he isn’t concernd. However, I am really worried as her thyroid has enlarged so rapidly in a few days. I’ve done a bit of research on ‘intrathyroid haemorrhage’ as it’s called but there is little out there other than case studies suggesting it is very rare, but apparently the increased pressure caused by the swelling can cause the airway or gullet to collapse which is lifethreatening. Not sure how the endo can be so laid back about this!
I was a bit surprised the thyroid enlarged when she went on the levothyroxine as I thought this was more likely to decrease the size if anything.
Poor kid is going through A-level exams & interviews for university enterance in summer so it’s not the best of times for all of this to happen to her. Also, can’t tell if mood swings are due to Graves or just ‘teenage tantrums’ lol.Hey,
Glad the endo is going to see you both. It can take a while for the swelling to go down and as my GP pointed out you can have a goiter and your levels are all ok or you can be very ill and have no sign of goiter. Before I had the thyroid storm I had very little swelling now as I am starting to respond to the meds the swelling increased for a while there.
I spoke with my BIL earlier and he mentioned that sometimes nodules on the thyroid can tear and fill with blood "having a bleed" but the body re-absorbes that over time so its not necessarily something to worry about. I imagine there will be warning signs of haemorrhaging and I think you are wise to be aware of them- however, I am sure as you and your daughter read more into this disease and experiences on here you will perhaps ( I hope) become more confident although as a mother no doubt will not stop worrying.
Its a shame for your daughter to be going through this and at such a crucial time in her academic pressures. It may be worthwhile having her GP submit a letter to the exam board for consideration when marking her papers as this condition has a huge impact on mood, concentration, stamina etc…
I hope you both feel more reassured soon
M x
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