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  • susanf
      Post count: 12

      So after a very long, frustrating, low-iodine-diet week, I had my RAI yesterday. I had mixed feelings. I’m glad it is all coming to a point where something can be done about my Graves, but also knowing my decision was a final decision and I’m on medication for the rest of my life, but at least it now can be controlled.

      My family has gone away for the weekend, following the 3-foot rule is much easier to deal with if they are away. My doc said to follow the precautions for 3 days.

      For those of you who had RAI, how long after did you feel a difference? Did you get a sore throat? I know it is different for everyone, but the sooner all the various hyper symptoms go away the better! :-)

        Post count: 326

        I had a sore throat that set in around Day 2 and last until about Day 4 (if I remember correctly – you can search my posts for confirmation). I felt hyper for a few weeks and ended up having to go back on PTU as my thyroid dumped, and I never stopped taking my beta blocker (still haven’t 18 months after RAI), so that helped. I got a cold about a week after, but that was likely NOT from the RAI as much as it was the combination of working in healthcare, sitting in a hospital waiting room for 3 hours waiting for my RAI dose, and being on prednisone before RAI to reduce eye effects. It was six months before I was officially hypo but I felt good within a few weeks after RAI as my thyroid slowly died off.

        Good luck, and know that this is the start of your recovery!

          Post count: 333


          I’m so glad you are on your way to recovery. I believe a post was left not long ago where it was said that about a wk after the RAI one could and probably would develop hyper symptoms due to the thyroid cells dying and dumping all the thyroid hormone out into the blood. I haven’t had RAI so I don’t have much to add. Hope you start feeling better soon.

          Caro :)

            Post count: 1324

            Hi, I got the sore-ish throat like gator girly did, but I was hypothyroid in five weeks, and feeling much better. I didn’t mind the hypo feeling as much as I minded being hyperthyroid. About a week after RAI, I was really hyper for a few days, as the damaged thyroid cells dumped hormone, but I was on beta blockers to help that.

            It took a few months before I felt really normal and had some of my stamina back.

            I wish you a good recovery.

              Post count: 178

              I had RAI May 3, 2012. I never had a sore throat post RAI.

              I felt hyper for four weeks post RAI; somewhat normal for a few days; week 11 finally showed after showing still hyperthyroid two blood tests prior (weeks 3 and 7) that my Free T3 and Free T4 were in normal range with a very low TSH yet my endocrinologist is not concerned with that. Funny, because around week 11, I started feeling some hypothyroid symptoms and my doctor told me I could start showing hypothyroid symptoms prior to the numbers changing going that way. I’m going into week 14 post RAI now and I am gaining weight with having already carefully watching my diet and exercising diligently every day. I went through a hypothyroid stage when I was drug induced hypothyroid on antithroid drug, Methimazole back in 2011, so I do know the warning signs this time around. I am anxiously hoping that my numbers show this time around that I am now going into a range where I can get on Synthroid yet will not know until two weeks from now when I see my endocrinologist again. Unfortunately, my main issue with all of this has been weight gain despite my diet and exercise efforts, yet I am also in my early 50s and have not gone through the change of life yet, although testing shows that things are changing in that respect. The weight issue though is not that big of an issue for everyone because I am finding we are all so very different in this journey.
              So, except for the one issue I mention above, since about week 5 post RAI I haven’t even felt hyperthyroid, thank goodness.

              I do know two endocrinologists, my current and another I consulted with that by six months for the amount of I-131 (15 millicuries) I had that I should be on Synthroid by then; I do know too in talking to people I know here and online that everyone is different and some get on Synthroid sooner than later post RAI; my endocrinologist said he has two patients who are eurothyroid post RAI now and never changed yet that is not the normal.

              I wish you best of luck on your journey…..beach

                Post count: 33

                Hi susanf,

                I had RAI on April 23rd. The first couple of months not much change in the labs. July lab my TSH went from .06 to 7.74 and the others were within normal limits. I am now taking .25 daily dose of thyroid replacement. I didn’t have a sore throat after RAI, went hyper for a couple of days. Since then I can say I am feeling better. My eyes are still somewhat red, dry and itchy. I use the eye drops several times a day. My fingernails have gone to hell. They are thin, splitting and have ridges. This is a new symptom within the past couple of weeks. I usually have very strong, fast growing nails. I am still having some sleep issues. Some nights are fine. Others, I toss and turn and just have restless sleep. My weight is up a couple of pounds in the past couple of weeks since I started the thyroid replacement even though I am being so careful with my intake of food. I am back to exercising and off the betablocker. I suppose if I had to guess I need more thyroid. Another lab draw and doctor’s visit at the end of August-we will see if I am right. Good luck with your recovery. I hope it goes smooth for you.


                  Post count: 12

                  Thank you all so much for your responses. I know every case is different but it helps to hear from others. I had no idea about thyroid dumping, my doctor never mentioned it to me. So far so good, I’ve had small bouts of feeling like I’m getting a sore throat, other than that I can’t wait to start feeling like myself again. It’s been so long since I’ve felt that I’m not sure what it is going to feel like :)

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