My son was diagnosed with Graves in April 2008 and he just had RAI on 2/17/09. He had been taking methimazole but it didn’t look like he was ever going to go into remission so his doctor recommended RAI. We discussed the pros and cons of RAI vs. surgery and ultimately, my son said he wanted to try RAI (my son is 16). His doctor didn’t like the surgical option because he said the surgery is very delicate and left too much room for error. His thoughts worried me. I figured if he didn’t have faith in a surgeon, then I didn’t either. Actually, we had decided that if we ever decided to do the surgery, we would go to the Mayo clinic to have it done b/c they have LOTS of experience with the surgery. My son decided to try RAI and if it didn’t work, then he would go ahead with the surgery.
As of today, my son still isn’t feeling any effects from the RAI. He’s still very hyper which is frustrating. We were told it would take at least 4 – 6 weeks before he would feel any changes but it’s hard to be patient….we want the time to go faster. One thing to consider with RAI is that you can’t be around people for approximately 6 days because you will be radioactive. That was very difficult for my son. He couldn’t go to school or to the movies or shopping….etc. He just hung around the house and was very bored and lonely.
I don’t know if any of this helps you with your decision. It’s really a very personal decision and you have to do what you think is best for you. Also, don’t let your doctor rush you into making a decision. You need to take your time and be very comfortable with your decision.
Good Luck!
AmyFirst off thanks a bunch for this sight. I have had many many questions and this site has been a great help. I have had Graves since Oct 08, but before that probably a year of being hyper. Have been taking PUT but still have troubles. My Endo has recommended RAI. I believe that taking out the "bad guy" would make more sense. My thoughts are if I still have to take medications, why not just take the synthroid. Do this make sense to anyone? I have to call the doctor and tell him my decision and wonder if anyone else had to make this one?
Thank you so much for your reply. I personally have only had a cold a few times in my life. As a paramedic I had thought I had a good resistance to most common illnesses. So be dx with Graves has been a dose of reality to me. I still think surgery would be my best choice since I hate all these ups and downs. Sissy
Hi Sissy,
It sounds like you’ve enjoyed very good health, until now, and are very familiar with medicine and health care. Being a paramedic, you’re used to helping others. My only advice to you is to allow others to now help you. Graves can be very debilitating (sp?) and if you’re not used to asking for help, you may get pretty frustrated.
I wish you the best in making your decision. Keep us posted!
Amy” title=”Smile” />
My Endo told me that the TED (eye disease) and get worse with RAI. She doesn’t want me to have RAI for that reason.
Hello – I am choosing to have surgery because I am not crazy about the idea of having radiation destroy my thyroid, and also because my eyes are a little screwed up and I don’t want to make them worse (I’ve also been told that RAI could adversely affect one’s eyes, particularly if there are issues to begin with)! Also, the two times I have been on tapazole I haven’t felt well at all – so my surgery is scheduled for May 6th.
Good luck.
Thanks for the replies. I have my blood work back from the Endo and he suggested RAI, I called today to tell them to get me set up for surgery. My Tsh is <.01 guess that means 0. My T3 is 4.50 and TSI is 327, this is where he says Graves Antibodies. All I am waiting for now, is for my PCP to let him know it’s okay. Still don’t know why he needs his approval, I don’t need referrals, I have insurance and it’s my body.
Yes I have had a very healthy life. I am a stubborn person and have always had the opinion that I didn’t have the time or the patience to be sick. I feel in my heart, gut and mind that surgery would be my best bet. That having the RAI is still guess work and that it depends on how my body adjust to it will be how the outcome will be. That for months I’ll still be the roller-coaster idiot that I am now and darnit I’m not wanting that anymore. The PTU I have been on has done some stabilization but with eyes and face swelling like a balloon I don’t think it’s what is right for me. I’m not in the least a vain person but I looked like crap and mostly felt the same.
Will keep everyone posted on how it’s going. Good luck to all. Keep your head up and remember you are your best friend. You do what makes you feel better. sissy
Can anyone tell me exactly why having surgery would make eyes worse? I don’t have any symtoms of the eye problems yet, but have had nystigmus..excuse the spelling…since before my stroke, but the stroke (brain bleed type) made it worse. I don’t have the bulging eyes, but that is probably due to the steroids they have me on for my headaches. Since I’ve had a brain bleed, I was thinking RAI would be safer for me then surgery, but now I’m really confused. I wasen’t looking forward to being away from my children for any amount of time for the RAI, but would rather be alive with bulging eyes to be around to raise my children. Any advice????
Hi, I have just joined and want to post a new topic regarding radioactive iodine treatment of my daughter, to this effect:- We are at the stage of needing to make the decision to irradiate our daughters thyroid gland. She has had the condition since the age of five and has been in remission three times. As she has an aggressive presentation of Graves disease, the specialist is recommending irradiation now, before she enters puberty, and all the other issues associated with it.
My plea and mission is to find other parents who have found themselves in this situation. Thoughts? Results? Ideas? Recommendations? It is a crying shame to have to take such a major and irreversible decision, but I am not happy for her to go on taking the neomercazle (Australian brand name for Carb..) I would very much appreciate some feedback. Thanks.
How do I create a new topic?
Or might this just kick things off.
Many thanks from sunny Australia…Rhonda ~ I don’t know of any reason that surgery would affect your eyes. The only treatment that might affect your eyes would be RAI, and that happens rarely. Personally, I had about 90 days of "gritty eyes" that was uncomfortable, and perhaps a tiny bit of proptosis (which has since completely gone away).
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