My guess is that there is no relationship at all. Nada. Seems like the best course for you to take is exactly the one you are taking. Another lab in a month, just to see if a lab error, normal variation, or what. If you have continued concern, I suggest you take him to a pediatric endorcrinologist, for a baseline visit. The endo might be the best person to answer all your questions regarding your son, RAI, etc.
Welcome to this board, it is great. The facilitators are a great source of information, and so are the people who post.
ShirleyI don’t have much time but wanted to share with you…
My ds15 was about 10 when he started to look chunky. He had always been in the 25% tile sometimes 50%th. When he started to show that he was gaining a bit of celulite on his stomach and of course his face looked chunky (he was always a thin boy), I took him in for thyroid testing and he was fine.
It was just a spurt in his life where it happened.
He has filled out and when he was 12 I again had him checked and one of his levels were high and it was nothing. He had a lot of joint pain and after testing with xrays we found out he was growing. He has large growth plates in his hands and feet and we were told he has a lot more growing and not to expect him to be shorter than 6 feet tall ! LOLHe is thin and works out and has a lot of energy for the things he wants to do
” title=”Wink” />
” title=”Wink” /> acts like a typical teenager and we pray that these days will pass fast!
10 is about where the body is getting ready for puberty so a lot of changes and emotions and actions on their part. I wouldn’t worry to much about it. I remember thinking omg he is going to fat, I mean he really was completely different than he had been. I swore it was hypo so my thought was fat means hypo so he must have it. The dr. even pointed out it was really like someone put fat on is stomach. She laughed and said cellulite and that it was just a stage..
She was right on the money with that!
Not that I would have cared if he was overweight but I feel kids should be playing out side and with him diong that and him gaining weight and cellulite I was confused and of course thought the worst.Not saying he wont ever have it , he has a predisposition for it being that you have GD. Keep an eye on it and as he gets older make sure he is tested yearly.
My oldest gets his annual and that will be something we do this year as well. Better safe than sorry, my younger kids will also be doing that as they get older as well.
This isn’t your fault. Relax and enjoy him, he might be a big tall boy one day!
THANKS you all!
I dont like resurching ANYTHING on the internet b/c its always bad. This board gives real ideas from real ppl going through alot of the same stuff! I LOVE this board!
I dont care if he is a big boy…like I said before, my hubbys family is a big size family. Lets put it this way…my hubby is the RUNT at 275lbs. Most of my family is small framed. We dont know which way the lil monkeys will go..LOLHe was just so darn small for so long. They even told me once I must be under feeding him! As long as he is healthy, its all that matters to me. I am glad to find out here that I should have him checked once a year! I never would have thought of even having him checked at all if it were not for this DR telling me that in the 85th% they start to worry about weight. I was just worried about thyroid..LOLOL That is good to know! Maybe I should go ahead & have the other 2 checked as well throughout the years.
Thank you for posting great info for me! When it comes to the kiddos, we ALWAYS worry!Hello all again!
A Dr. told me to wait 7 months after RAI (11 years ago) so we waited 7 months to the day & 2 weeks later found out I was pregnant. (It never took us long..LOL) My son has ALWAYS been tiny, never making the weight charts as a baby. (he is 10 now) In 1 year, he has went from a size 7 to a size 12. This didnt concern me b/c my hubbys side of the family are all bigger ppl. When he had his last physical last week they said he was in the 85th%. After what I read about the RAI & waiting 12 months,(due to causeing problems down the road with the child) I had them check his levels. They called today & said that his free T3 was high a bit. Everything else was good. This would not be making him gin weight IF there was a problem.
I guess my question would be…do the levels move around normaly? Also, with us only waiting 7 months…has anyone done the same & had any issues when that child got older? I have to have him back in in a month to recheck them. The nurse said that it will probably be normal next time. I trust what they say. Makes me wonder though if he might have issues down the road b/c of my RAI. Just wondering if anyone has any info…THANKS A BUNCH!!!
~KariHi Kari – I agree that a pediatric endo might be helpful in addressing your concerns. Also, keep in mind that the "normal" ranges for thyroid hormone are different for children vs. adults. Do you know if the lab took your son’s age into account?
Just because you have Graves’ does not automatically mean your children will get Graves’. However, this condition does tend to cluster in families. No need to spend time stressing over something that might not ever happen. But it is certainly smart to inform their doctors of their family history…and to let your kids know when they are older, so they can make sure they are getting regular tests for thyroid function once they are on their own.
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