I had a very sore neck and salivary glands for several days after my RAI. I wanted to sit very still so as not to make my thyroid feel like it was rubbing on my throat. Don’t know if that was really happening but it felt like it. I didn’t have a goiter and was never really inflamed so I think I felt it more sensitively. Keep on the OTC pain meds if you need to for several days. Keep drinking and sucking on something. It really will help clear that more quickly. I can’t remember about headaches but it was all so much insult to my body at once it seemed that everything made me upset. Hopefully today will be better.ewmb
You know you are right, I did not want to move my head it hurt too much. My right side of my thyroid is very enlarged; Today is better, I really hate talking, it bothers me. I am sure in a few more days I will feel better. Thanks for the information.
Hi all
Well, it has been four days now since the RAI. I am feeling better today, but Saturday morning around 3:30 am, I woke up, with pain in my neck jaw and ear. My Thyroid was so sensitive. It really hurt. I needed pain medication just to stop crying. Has anyone had this happen to them? I slept off and on Saturday, and on Sunday I just had the headache. I did not have the common sore throat. I hope the treatment worked, because after all that, I do not think I would go through this again. I am still very hyper today, but I understand that it will take a few weeks for things to settle down. Katie how are you doing, what dose did you receive? I was at 20, but I found out that my thyroid would only take in 10.
Thanks for the supportJulie
Try sucking on some ice if you can stand it. It might help numb things a bit.
Hey I had a TT in July – just wanted to agree with ewmb about the ice. I have been buying bags of ice cubes and drinking lots of cold drinks then eating the cubes especially when I found my throat and voice getting sore. Hope you feel better soon xxxxxx
Hi Julie,
I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. I hope the coming days prove better – just get your rest and load up on excederin if you are allowed to take it!
I also got a dose of 20 mci and have had some issues myself. I’ve been drinking between 4 and 5 gallons a day since I got my dose and think that’s prob. why I haven’t had too bad of a sore throat. I have had a pretty bad headache every morning but nothing excederin won’t take care of. I’ve had some really bad stomach issues – but the atenolol my endo has me on does that as well.
The main problems I’ve had are with my eyes and now a pain/lump in my throat. I had my eyes checked a week before I got the rai and again today. Basically my doctor didn’t notice any major changes except that they are very, very dry. I went from having zero eye issues to dry eyes, slight double vision and the feeling that one eye was bigger than the other all in 4 days… the eye dr. said that this is to be expected right after the radiation and likely stems from just being too dry so she gave me a ton of drops and some stuff that I can put on them at night. I’m sure I looked like a nut going in there saying I measured my eyes with my fingers and they feel different but I know I would have freaked out had I not gone! She going to see me monthly to track any changes which makes me feel better.
Also, starting last night I feel like I have this hard lump in my throat/mouth – right behind my bottom left teeth. I’m not too concerned about it mostly because I think I’ve just sucked too many Jolly Ranchers the last few days. I did also have a pretty sore "burn" on the roof of my mouth a day after and I think this is because the pill rested there for a minute before I could swallow it. That went away pretty fast though. I’d like to ask my endo about this stuff though – if I could get in touch with him!
I’ve been trying to get through to him ALL day but haven’t even gotten a call back. It bothers me a lot that I left messages with his secretary about my eyes, iodine-free diet etc. and he couldn’t be bothered. It really makes me nervous that this man prescribed radioactive iodine but also couldn’t be bothered to tell me any of the potential side effects other than an extremely, extremely off chance that it could hurt my eyes. My eye dr. basically said that she’d like to have a chat with him about being a bit more open about the possibilities and what to expect. Had I not found this forum I would have had no knowledge of what was an okay thing to expect.
I really hope you feel better soon – we’ll have to keep track of our progress and compare as we go the same dose on the same day!
Good Morning Everyone
Katie, sorry to hear about your eyes being so bad, and I hope I am not out of line, but your endo is being an asshole
. I hope your eyes get better soon. I ended up calling my primary care doctor to get pain medication. Today, I feel better, but feel like there is a lump in my throat. I am sucking on cough drops and having cold drinks, I am having some difficulty with the ice cubes, too cold. I am a baby.
I am still very hyper even today. My eyes are watery, but they have been like that for months. I am going to try to schedule an appointment this week with eye doc. How is everyone one else doing? I hope better today. This support is so great. I do not even know how to thank everyone. Thank you so much,” title=”Very Happy” />
The watering is from your eyes being too dry. They are trying to compensate with extra tears that don’t really fix the problem. If you have some OTC eyedrops without preservatives try using them when your eyes water. This was one of my early symptoms and after I was finally diagnosed my eye doctor said it was from the thyroid problems. I have had dry eyes for 16 years with my fibromyalgia. Some days are better than others. I have trouble in my office now that I don’t have a window and no natural light. I have to turn off the overhead lights and use a lamp by my desk. I am sure people walk by and think I am a vampire or something! Try wearing your sunglasses in the house too if it gets really bad or a visor to shield your eyes when they are sensitive.ewmb
Thanks for the information ewmb, I will pick up some natural tears.
How long before you did not feel so hyper?Julie
It took me four months to change from hyper labs to hypo labs. I just started replacement hormone last Thursday night. I am taking Levoxyl. It does not have the povidone in it that we think made me break out in a rash with the generic methimazole. I am slowly starting to feel more able. I don’t know that I feel better yet. I have been able to get back to driving more than a few minutes from home. I actually can pick up my daughter from school now and am able to stay at work longer too. I hope that the eye drops will help.ewmb
julie, glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better. you should def. grab some lubricating eye gel too – get tons of free samples from your eye dr.! i used it for the first time last night and woke up feeling much more refreshed and without a headache!
i’m also still really hyper. i wasn’t all that bad before the rai but haven’t been able to get to bed until 3am since… also, i finally got to talk to my endo today and apparently the lump at what i assume is my salivary gland is totally unrelated – i don’t believe this for a second considering i’ve never had it before but it is still going down and is less painful so i’m not too worried.
keep us posted!
katieewmb, glad to hear you can get out more, I have struggled with going to work for sometime now. I get a lot of anxiety when I drive, and also get dizzy, so I have to pull over, never mind the shakes in my leg, that is on the gas peddle, I notice that back in December 08 I am more hyper than every, my thyroid is a hard lump today. Feels strange, I am very winded as well. Katie, what side of your neck is the lump on, mine is on the right about the size of a small meatball, I am calling today to make an appointment for my son for an eye exam, and I will do the same for myself.
I hope everyone feels a little better todayJulie
I know what you mean about the driving. I didn’t drive for a long time when I was really hyper. I do think the anxiety about it got worse when I kept thinking that I wouldn’t be able to make it home from places. I have felt less anxious and off balance in the last week or so. Do be careful. Have a better day.Katie,
The salivary glands can be affected so you are right to be concerned. Even now after four months sometimes I feel like mine on the left side isn’t acting quite right. My husband has Sjogrens and had a tumor in his gland that had to be removed. You can massage that area after you warm it with a hot washcloth or rice bag. That does help move things through.ewmb
Thanks for the advice – the lump did go down (it was on the left) and now I have a weird bump on the roof of my mouth where the pill stuck on it’s way down. I’m sure it’s crazy but I’ve never had such a thing in my mouth. It looks and feels a bit like a pimple but def. not a cold sore. That too is getting better and it just annoys my endo when I call so I’ll leave that be. We just moved to Philadelphia and my old companies insurance sucks so I’m excited to get a better doctor when my new stuff starts.
Also, my eyes are starting to get better and less dry – only need drops 5 times a day!
I hope everyone else is doing better!
Glad to know that you are healing. Bumps in your mouth are annoying aren’t they. I used to get these calcium buildup things near the back of my mouth and the dentist would knock them off. He said they weren’t dangerous at all but annoying. Hope you continue to move forward.ewmb
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